New Grower First Auto-grow.Week 6 - Automaria #1 (Paradise Seeds) - 90 Watt LED UFO 7 Spectrum - 15" by 20" by


Sep 15, 2014
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Hello everyone,this is my first ever autoflower grow and one of only a few attempts at growing bud in my entire life. I messed up bigtime on each of my previous grows but learned something each time and did at least get some really nice bud!

So here i am growing an Auto variety as they are more resiliant to human error and mother nature accoring to alot of the info i've read online about Ruderalis etc. Oh and its meant to be much faster since they flower early and mature faster according to the seedbanks but i've learned here on this forum and on a female growers youtube channel that the seedbanks may be exagerating how quick you can finish off their strains and it generaly takes around 10 weeks or more.Hmmm lol.

Sorry im high on super lemon haze whilst writing this so i may ramble on a bit and not explain things in an easy to understand way but i'll try my best! I don't have pictures of the start of my grow but i will do it next time so this is more of a commentry on what has happened between then and now with some pics at the end for you to check out!

The growspace is a small side-section of an Ikea closet and its 15 inches wide by 20.5 inches long and it's 5 or 6 foot tall. I drilled rows of holes into the back of the closet at the bottom so that cold air can enter the bottom and im using the single hole i made for a power cable at the back/top of the closet as the exit vent for hot air. I plan on making this wider and sticking a PC fan over it to vent the hot air out the top. I light proofed the door with gaffa tape and i have placed objects around and ontop of the closet to block ambient light from entering into the small space between the back of the closet and the wall.

Inside the closet i have a Prakasa 7 spectrum 90 Watt LED UFO growlight that consists of blue,deep red,red,orange,white,IR & UV LED's rated at 5 watt each. They say they only push 3 watts through each of the 5 watt LED's so that they dont generate as much heat and it increases the lifespan of them and supposedly they are brighter. In total there are 28 LED's and when i measure how much juice it's pulling from the powersocket its coming to exactly 87 Watts. They claim it's the equivelent to something like a 150 Watt HPS and i hope they are telling the truth lol.

The plant was germinated i think on August the 8th. The strain is "Automaria #1" from Paradise Seeds. Now i bought these seeds 4 or more years ago and i did not keep them in the proper conditions to preserve their viability so when i attempted to germinate the 4 i had left from all those years ago only 1 of them managed to germinate! She started off very very slow compared to all the other strains i've grown before. It was making me wonder is the seed stunted because of its age or is it just a trait of these autoflowering genetics?

She started off as a window plant and at night i would place it under a 50 watt halogen light. She grew a bit lanky and was very slow at making new sets of leaves. I don't know if it was because of the poor lighting (i live in Scotland) or if something else was to blame. I had it in one of those little soil "pucks" that expands when you let it absorb water.My plan was to put it into a 5 litre pot of soil once the roots started to grow through the thin fabric of the puck it was growing in. It ended up taking more than 3 weeks for the roots to come through and i potted it in soil about 4 days after they started coming out of the bottom. She only had 6 leaves at this stage and they were smallish.

After a week or 2 of being in the new pot the leaves had gotten bigger and it grew another couple of new sets that were bigger and more developed looking than the previous ones. This is when i decided i was going to buy a UFO growlight and i found the Prakasa 7 spectrum 90 Watt LED for £78 on ebay. It seemed legit to me they told you the actual wattage being pulled from the wall and not the "output wattage" and when i measured it myself it was pretty accurate (87 Watts). I ordered the light and it arrived within 2 days.

She has been in the closet ever since the light arrived under the LED (6 inches away) and this is what she looks like. I reckon it's about 6 weeks old now. She's 45cm tall and started showing sex just over a week ago. I put her into a 20/4 light cycle a few days after it started to show sex previously it had been under light 24 hours a day. Since that time she has grown much taller maybe twice as tall and got bushier. The closet only ever gets a little warm it doesn't get "hot" and i always open the door a couple of times an hour just to try and ventilate it more. I go back to work on monday so i wont be here from 8am to 5:30pm and wont be able to open the door up like i usualy do untill i get back and hope this wont cause any overheating problems or ventilation/humidity issues. Personaly i don't think it will overheat especialy since its getting into the colder months now. Any advice on this aspect would be wonderfull.

When i look at her now im very pleased because she didnt really have any branches when she started to show sex and now she seems huge to me! I know its small but its already reaching the width and length limits of my closet so any tips on dealing with that would be appreciated!. I didn't know where else to write this so i just stuck it here in the pics section since i managed to get a couple earlier on today off my bro's phone.

Automaria number 1 (1).jpgAutomaria number 1 (2).jpgAutomaria number 1 (4).jpgAutomaria number 1 .jpg

Thanks for looking! Wish me luck im gona need it! lol I'll get more pics up of the closet im growing it in and the light im using. Peace!
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Great stuff! The seedling stage reminded me of my first grow.

Despite the rough start your plant is looking great! She seems to love the UFO.
Hi,just a little update. I noticed these tiny tiny little orange spots on the leaves when i look at them under the jewelers loupe. Some of the spots on some leaves are clearly visable to the naked eye but stilkl small. My worry is that its going to spread and i don't know what it is? I had a look for anything crawling on it or eggs but i dont seem to be able to find anything apart from the tiny little holes that have been left on the leaves. I also notice at the very very tip of the leaves its slightly yellow and an odd leave has it very slightly on the outer edge.......

Any help greatly appreciated! I have a couple of pics form earlier in the day,she's grown a couple of inches already! I'll have to upload them tomorrow though and might add a couple of new ones at the same time :)

Orange spots usually mean calcium def.I'll check your pics tomorrow.
:roflcry:Sorry im high on super lemon haze whilst writing this so i may ramble

Ya think,:Haha:
Hi,just a little update. I noticed these tiny tiny little orange spots on the leaves when i look at them under the jewelers loupe. Some of the spots on some leaves are clearly visable to the naked eye but stilkl small. My worry is that its going to spread and i don't know what it is? I had a look for anything crawling on it or eggs but i dont seem to be able to find anything apart from the tiny little holes that have been left on the leaves. I also notice at the very very tip of the leaves its slightly yellow and an odd leave has it very slightly on the outer edge.......

Any help greatly appreciated! I have a couple of pics form earlier in the day,she's grown a couple of inches already! I'll have to upload them tomorrow though and might add a couple of new ones at the same time :)


Hello, nice plant you have got, but somehow not very green if photos do not lye. So it was no surprise you talk about yellow spots developed recently. Some deficiencies perhaps, caused by screwed ph or poor nutrients. Or something else.

Without explaining your:

- soil
- nutrients
-watering/feeding habits
-ph of feeding

there is no way you could get any valuable answer or guidelines except wild guessing. The best way is to explain everything shortly, so that the readers would get the idea quickly and clearly, leave long stories for the times everything would be OK (that is just my recommendation, you will do it the way you like)

Your light is good enough to pull 100 g from a plant or even more and comparision with 150 W HID is real and honest. Not long ago such LEDs were marketed as 400 or 600 W HID exuivalent what was pure lye.

You just need to feed her, the light will do the rest. And avoid temps above 26C as well as high humidity, which is good for small plants and less for mature ones. Or extremely dry environment which is very often connected to extreme heat in small and closed area.

Good Luck.
Arrrghhhh its all going wrong! Today i notice around the edges of the leaves a brown rim ,its just the very outside of the leaves like this,not all of them just the top ones. 2 of the bottom fan leaves loked fine this morning before i went to work. When i got back they are more yellow and half of one of the fingers on one is like brown or a very dark colour and looks like its already dead. The plant is generaly more yellow than it was before. It was always pretty green before the pics i took a few days ago make it look a bit more yellow,but now it actualy does look that colour! When i got home,i noticed the top of the plant was also kinda tilted to one side i dont know if was because of the position of the light or something. I repotted her and an hour later it actualy looked like it was getting better and the top of the plant was pointing straight up to the light again along with all the leaves.

Sorry i dont have pics of the damage yet,i just got a couple of pics of her under the LED from yesterday. She is sleeping right now but awake again in 2 hours and i'lll take some pics now that i have a decent camera again!

Today i went to a grow shop and asked for advice and they gave me some soil,i dont know exactly what type it is but tomorrow i go back to get the rest of it i wasn't able to take the whole bag home on my bike it was too big! I'll make a note of wat soil it is when i go back tomorrow. The guy was kind enough to open the bag of soil and gave me like 10 litres of it to fill a new 10 litre pot he gave me for free so now its in a pot double the size it was before. The soil has nutrients in it aswell but he gave me this bottle of nutrients and he said that he finds them to work great. It is called HY-PRO grow and bloom he said u can use it from start to finish it has an N-P-K of 2-2-5 + 0.5MgO.

The guy in the shop said he reckoned i have a bug/insect problem and probly nutrient deficiency since i never ever fed her. The woman i spoke to before he arrived was saying she thought it could be a calcium deficiency. I think i've maybe over watered it a couple of times wich contributed to the yellowing wich im not gonna do again.

Im gonna buy a PH testing kit tomorrow form their shop.The woman there offered me 1 of her own personal PH testing pens she said its in good condition and works great but its like £2 over my budget so i'll ask for a discount lol. She wants £22 for it but im in serious debt until after October 28th and really need every penny i can get.

I'll put the pics of her from yesterday under the LED in this post and in a couple of hours i will take close up pics of the leaf damage and see if u guys can help me figure out whats wrong. I promise the next seed i plant will be looked after alot better with proper soil and nutrients and i'll try and explain everything im doing and what time im doing it etc and get the PH meter so i know whats going on with that too! It's depressing to see her start to degrade this way i really want to save her!

Automaria number 1 (5).jpgAutomaria number 1 (6).jpgAutomaria number 1 (7).jpg
Some pics of the damage here,i tried my best with the cam been ages since i used it and its 3am so i'll have a mess about with it tomorrow and get another couple of pics in natural daylight just incase its not clear from these pics what is up. I removed the worst leave on the plant it was near the bottom. The others look like they could recover or at least stop being damaged more.........hopefully this new soil and nutrients makes a difference!


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