New Grower First Auto Grow - Think Different

Believe it or not, it is entirely possible to be proud of where you're from while at the same time acknowledging that it has many flaws and has done some very messed up stuff around the world. I think having clear, undiluted eyes while looking at your country makes you MORE patriotic, not less.


Right on bubbs :smokebuds:

Back to cannatalk! :smokebuds:

Hazy, hope you don't mind bro, but I snagged a couple of your pictures to run as a slide show on my desktop background. If you would like royalties (Roy-al-tiiieeeeees), hit me up. :D

Bubbs what's mine is your's. :thumbs:

im merely a happy, stoney guy, no offense meant.

@Hazy - are those twine lines you use as a scrog net? brilliant bro

Yes hemp twine, but i won't be using it again it seems to degrade and leave little tiny bits stuck to the bud. Next time i will use Nylon. :smokebuds:

well after 3 hrs of reading I made it to hear. I was just looking for a place to get seeds when I got side tracked by this amazing bedtime story. I will definitely have some sweet dreams. I have been reading and planning for 3 weeks now (my wife says i am obsessed and I have not even started yet). I read something about scrogs but after seeing this I already have the other page opened and will see ya there. I can not say what a inspiration this is. I have never grown a plant before but with your mad skills and all the positive karma from this site I think I will be just fine. Thanks for taking the time to post the pics and show your grow.
Amazing stuff! :bow:
Congrats on the BOM runner up prize last month! :thumbs:
Congrats on the DP contest and you got my vote! :thumbs:

Thanks very much Wiley for the kind words and your vote. Good luck with your grow, and in this game beng obsessive is a positive :smokebuds:
It's Over.........

Ok well that's that. So i suppose you want know what i It came in at 316g. That's just over 100g a plant or ½g per watt. So i now have several jars of Ed Rosental cured, sticky as hell stinky buds.

Thanks Tony, was a pleasure.

Not one for speeches so thanks to everyone who dropped by commented and drooled.

I'm now off to pop some beans in water and mix some 50/50 perlite soil. Oh happy days :peace: Out
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A hundred gram plant is a masterpiece any way you look at it.

:booya: You had a trifecta. Good on ya, mate!
awesome did your thang and i enjoyed the ride so much i definitelytakenshot gun on your other post...someone please tell me how to give this men rep...asap
on page 34 that sinlge cola picture is one of the best great camera work it captures the Think Different at its best. Real good stuff magazine quality keep it up respect