New Grower First Auto Grow - Think Different

Goodness me that looks grade. You know the last seven days are like the longest ever :D
Nice pics Hazy, nothing like some good bud porn to cheer me up!
Hazy..... you passed your first auto test with flyin fuckin carpets bro!! Max rep and more to come when it will let me. :clap::clap::clap:

I'll send Jacob and the Alien Trevors to set up the Swayze Express and we can ship bong tokes back and forth. :bong::bong:
WEEK 11 DAY 74

Two days to go......

All plants had there last plain watering today. So inkeeping with the rest of the thread, Here's some more bud porn.



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Nicely grown sir,looking forward to the harvest festival.

Me too, doing it Saturday night, lights go off for the last time Friday night. will let them sit in the dark till then. Got a really good friend coming to help do the trimming, he has never done it before, and seems quite keen. Lets see how long it takes him to work out that it's a shit job really. Was looking at Budmaster LED today the 405w model, what's your verdict ? :smokebuds:
Love the bud porn Hazy, that TD will be some grade A smoke +rep :smokebuds: