First off I need to know what kind of soil you using exactly cause if it's strong enough if you're using a soil mix with pre nutrients in it at a stable pH you could veg her out before you even have to put any nutrients on her for instance I use a five-part mix I use Fox Farms Naturals is one part little girl potting soil from Elloree South Carolina one part little girl lre soil compost 1 Part And1 Part just Naturals organic potting soil and then the other part is Miracle-Gro perlite and my soil will test out at a pH of 6.5 and stay stable with just water and it will veg all my autoflowers and most of my photoperiods before I even think about adding any nutrients so give me a break down on exactly what you're using so I can better help you if possible I'm only a second time grower so I have learned everything from other people
Depending on how your growing and of course what you're growing in determines that. So you doing soil? Hydro? We need all details. Welcome to AFN by the way! You'll get all the help you need to have a successful grow!
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