Indoor First auto grow. need advices!!!!

I agree with Agito. There's alot of that yellowing from bottom to upper leafs. If it was Mg you'd already see leaf burn and the newer leafs would be White and it's not the case is it?

When diagnosing it's best to start with most common situations. What nutes do you give? If you have a cal mag solution, they usually have a good quantity on N (in nitrate form for faster assimilation). If not give them a good veg feed enriched with macros.

Thats low N get some grow/veg nutes into them
the yellowiness is all over he leaves. on the upper part of the plant. but not the new leaves between the buds.they are fine. only the upper fan leaves are turning compeletely yellow. at the bottom they seem exactly like when they need nitrogen. tnx for the chart. with this info i can say it can even be FE or K problem...

I agree with Agito. There's alot of that yellowing from bottom to upper leafs. If it was Mg you'd already see leaf burn and the newer leafs would be White and it's not the case is it? no i don't have anything of these. just some brown/rysty spots

When diagnosing it's best to start with most common situations. What nutes do you give? If you have a cal mag solution, they usually have a good quantity on N (in nitrate form for faster assimilation). If not give them a good veg feed enriched with macros.
i have sensi cal/mag and it has 5% N and it also has FE and MN. i was going to give them a full dose of grow nutes among with the bloom today. do you think it's better togive them cal/mag instead of biogrow? biogrow it's 4/3/6.
The chart is JUST a quick reference. It doesn't substitute further understanding of the way deficiencies work.

From what you saying it confirms with N def, and possibly a lil calcium aswell (from the rust spots - can we get a picture?).
the best i have.. it's only on mazaar and snowstorm.. all the others are fine. asasas.jpg
Those rusts are not Ca related. I'll check it later on today and feed you back.

Either biogrow or Sensi cal/mag with the bloom nutes is good. In the sensi cal/mag all N are in nitrate form and the Ca helps the N to move along the plant. I don't know how it is in biogrow. Don't you have macro nutrients? Mix in there too.

I'll get back to you later like said. Meanwhile download this and happy reading!
almost all micro issues barring ph and mg are very rare, the plants have been dosed mg earlier in cycle and after intial flower require very little after. As the grow progresses the N in the media is depleted. I keep my plant just before rams horn leafs. Yours are quite uniform yellow and its not K, You making the classic newbie mistake of over loving your plants worrying and over correcting issues. if using biobizz you should be feed grow and bloom all the way through until the end and on lighter mediums dosages may need to be upped from 1ml grow each water to 1.5-2ml this is not uncommon on greedy strains, give them 2ml in the next water with bloom what harm can it do?

You still have not given your feeding schedule?
hey agito. i think you are right. i use allmix soil and biogrow,biobloom,bioheaven. i started feeding them 4th week with 0,5 ml/ltr grow and 1 ml/ltr heaven. 5th week 0,5 ml/lt grow and 1 ml/lt heaven. 6th week 0,5 ml/lt grow, 1 ml/lt heaven, 7th week 0,5 ml/ltr grow, 1 ml/lt bloom, 1,5 ml/lt heaven, 8th week 0,5 ml/lt grow, 2 ml/lt bloom, 2 ml/lt heaven and today it's week 9 and i feed them 1 ml/tr grow, 3 ml/tr bloom, 3 ml/tr heaven. i also gave them 2 times sensi cal/mag 0,5 ml/lt (the bottle says 2 ml/lt for all plants) one time epsom salts(1 tablespoon per gal) and i foliar sprayed them with mag once during veg. i watr them usually every 3-4 days.the last 2 weeks i let them dry well before i water again cause i read that the plants like this.

so do you think this is a soft feeding schedule? i have to say that i had problems from week 3.(cal problems)
I also agree with agito. Noobs (like me :) often make the mistake of mixing alot of concotions and stuff they think the plant will need. When a problem arises who knows where it all started. All hell breaks loose :)

Personally, I prefer to have more than just the fish-mix, because me likes to play around with concotions! although I think it's very complete food, there are faster ways to provide N to the plants. Fish mix is half nitrate and half amonia, while Sensi cal/mag is fully nitrate. Nitrates are directly assimilated while ammonia has to break down in the medium into nitrate and then be absorbed (this is good to enrich the soil!). Again, on personal experience I also use urea that takes even longer to break down and further enriches soil life.