Indoor First auto grow. need advices!!!!

right.tnx a lot for your help. hoping next update will be better!!
the carbon build up of excess PK in the plant (its not a massive issue with organics) i had eds old book but not his new one. I dont think there much salts in organics

I've placed Ed's new book in Reference Links. Everybody should download it ad read it. Top quality!

also bear in mind micro fauna have to process the nutrient in organics (in some brands more than others) so you sort of feed a week in hand to give them chance to break them down if the ph droped with the urea little micro action happens which equals big build up of nutes thus your issues i went from hydro to organics so it was easier for me to read the issues early.

Urea is a very rich cation nitrogen source. It breaks down into two ammonia cations. As you may know when the roots take in cations they excrete acids molecules into the growing medium, thus lowering pH. If you input nitrates, which are anions, the roots will excrete alkaline molecules raising the medium pH.

That's a rule of thumb: anions raise pH, cations lower pH.

Urea makes great microbial food and the beneficial aerobic microbes loves urea.

That's why I love it to give my plants a wide variety of N types.
i agree in what you saying but the micro fauna need a PH that they can thrive in as plants can only assimilate pure sources of NPK but to do this in organics you relay on the micro life to break down the organic feed in chemical feeds this is not an issue as there a pure source. This buffering action by the soil also slows the chance of over feed due to the buffering power of the micro fauna as they can only process so much in a time frame. In pre broken down nute with a high cation exchange (if thats the right term,) its not an issue but over feeding is and when the urea has lowered the ph to much when the pre broken down N is gone theres less life to process the organic nutes and you will get a build up.

Its like switching from chemical nutes to organic it takes time for the media life to recover and thats why yields are lowering in today's commercial farms. Im not against chemical nutes like i said Ive done hydro

Theres nothing wrong with urea but ph should be kept in line and used sparring
You know I give my babies the mycorrhizae and the fulvic and humid acids enzymes.

For me the roots are as important, or even more, as the plants stems and leafs. A good root system means a healthy plant in most of situations.

And the same goes for molasses. That's my two cents.

Feed the soil, feed the plant. Healthy mind in a healthy body. Mens sana in corpore sano. Etc.
hey guys what's up??? we're in 10th week and things are going good and bad!!!

the yellowiness is still here and is getting worst in 2 of my plants..and i explain my self.i know that in 10th week, especially for an auto is absolutely normal to turn their leaves yellow..
BUT mine not only got yellow but also i feel them and they are totally dry..if i press them a little they brake... and this is happening only in Mazaar. all the others are just yellow! i know i can't do much now and since i have a good yield i really don't care much. BUT Mazaar and Fast bud i am going to leave them at least 2,5 weeks more just because they need it.all the pistils are still white...

so i took some pics to see the leaves from Mazaar to tell me your thoughts.. i followed the advises i took from here and i think it helped the three of them which i am going to chop next week.. but i'm really afraid about the two i told you (Mazaar due to the spots/yellowiness/dry leaves and Fast Bud due to the yellowiness) because i'm not sure if they can still finish with a normal yield...

26-5-12 (1).jpg26-5-12 (3).jpg26-5-12 (4).jpg i think Diesel Ryder will be one of my biggest yielders 26-5-12 (6).jpg26-5-12 (9).jpg26-5-12 (18).jpg this is Mazaar mazaar1.jpg

and these are the leaves from Mazaar i told you... the "funny" is that this is happening only to the top of the plants... the lower part that light can't reach(because they are too crowded in the tent) is fine..even new growth is coming.... all the fan leaves and the bud leaves are fine... that makes me kind of wonder...

Hi dude dont worry to much i did think this could happen the plant has just written a few leaves off due to the lack of feed previous and some natural yellowing. The lower growth is showing signs of recoverys but organics do take a while to kick in

also keep an eye on the PH
nice chunky plants bro welldone mate
hey Agito.what's up man? i'm checking ph constantly since the problems started and it's fine.. anyway i hope they will recover because as i saw them yesterday i think Mazaar and Fast bud need another 2-3 weeks... all the others will be chopped down next week...

stshmouth, it's certainly not an abundance or toxicity problems. it startes as a def but i didn't pay to much attention and the results are this.. anyway i think now it's too late for the other 4 to change anything. so my only concern is these 2.