Indoor FIRST ATTEMPT AT AUTOS AND GROW LOG 1xAK47 and 1x lowryder #2

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yea, does that make sense to do that? I was thinking put the false bottom in, about a ft off the base, then cut a hole in the outside in the false area and putting an intake vent, basicaly the vent screwed over the hole on the outside. Then I was going to make a charcoal scrubber and put over the hole inside so that clean air is coming in. Now I was going to drill some patterned holes in the fals floor. So now my 250 inline duct fan is up on the left near the ceiling, so as that pulls the air out of the box, it will draw air through the vent in false bottom and flow evenly through all the holes I drill, atleast thats what Im hoping. I figured this would be kool if this worked well if I decided to start exp with co2. Just put the co2 in bottom and it gets drawn up like air to the upper exhaust fan. Im gonna get a speed control for my fan, that way I can play with the air flow a little. I wanted to make this smaller but was afraid that the box would get too hot with a 400hps, so I ended up doing this. Made it so it just unscrews apart if I need to move it...........SOMEONE GIVE ME SOME INPUT ON THIS IDEA......or maybe just put the intake hole in the opposite wall of duct fan so it has to flow threw the plants to exit out the exhaust fan??? I was thinking the holes in the floor would make the air flow though the plants as well before it got sucked out, Need some input......Hey, here's another good question, how long would you leave this unattended for with the hps running 24/0????
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And why do other boxes I've seen they build a seperate area for hps light and seal it with glass over the plants? Whats the advantage of the glass? Just heat reasons? I think this box will be plenty cool enough. Its in a cold basement so I guess theres and advantage of going 24/0 the hps will always be on to keep them warm. Im also putting a felt seal around the door opening, for preventing light leaks and to get a nice seal
Sounds OK. I have the middle of the floor (1.5' x 1.5') cut out, about a two inch "ridge" left over where the base that the plants sit on is resting. The hole is covered with stretched pantyhose to keep out beasties and things. The air gets sucked up around the false bottom, front back, left and right and up around the pots and through the plants. I wouldn't use charcoal scrubbers to cover your intake holes or intake vent so you don't restrict airflow. Unless you're really worried about sucking something real bad in?
well we had some bad floods here, everything was full of mold and crap in the basement, was just thinkin the scruuber would help clean any spores that may be there if theres any left
Oh oh, you might be on to something there! lol You have a much more powerful exhaust fan than I do, so maybe it would not be a problem with some of those active carbon filter sheets or something along those lines. I couldn't say for sure though.
OK, today shes 13 days old, I'll put up some pics later but so far the second feeding of Nutes is good, shes taking it quite well so far, thats the second and final feeding for this week, so she got 2 feedings in her second week, following FD's FF schedule, DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN ADD OPEN SESAME TO THE MIX??? I have it might as well see if I can use it. Until the box is done I have her under a 65watt CFL flowering bulb, shes directly under it and I keep it only an inch away from her top. Today Im gonna hang 4 27watt cfl's around her sides. Its in the corner of the room with a fan gently blowing on her.......On another note, I got my replacement seeds from herbies today, 4 AK's and 1 lowryder, all seeds are femmed autos, they also sent me 3 freebies, I realy love Ok, next feeding will be 3/4 tsp of grow big, and as everything now that I give her, its oxygenated with the airstone 24 hrs before she gets it. Now her first watering inbetween feedings will be the Tablespoon of mollasses. Would everyone agree that this is and organic grow? The FF soil is organic, the nutes are organic, organic mollases PH's water from well in the ground, Is there something Im missing thats non organic? And whats the benefits of organic? My seedlings in the dome are at like day 3, would have to check back earlier in this thread to be sure, no sign of popping yet, theres lowryders (4) and 2 AK's in it. Hard to keep them moist, have been misting 2-3 times per day when I see the top drying. It has the humidity dome but I have a light over it, just 27 watt cfls, but its drying the area where the lights are, God I hope these seeds pop, Thats too much money for me to lose.....As for my box, I am gonna try and get the remaining PCS of the puzzle today, felt for door seal, couple more 2x3's to frame out a door, come up with somethin for my false bottom where intake will be, couple eye hooks to hang the 400hps, paint, and get some CFL's wired on the side walls. Was thinking I could use those white wire coated racks they sell for closets as shelves.......Ok just hooked up some other lights around her, I now have one true 65watt 2700k cfl over her top and then 4 true 40 watt 2700k cfls 2 on each side


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You mean a tbsp of Molasses per Gallon, right? I mean, she's only getting something like around about an ounce of water. For that amount you really only need to dip the tip, 1/4 length, of a teaspoon in molasses, enough will stick to the spoon for you to mix in with the water. No, it's not an exact science, but neither is mother nature. I know she doesn't pour molasses out of a golden pitcher onto our pot plants either... Stick to the rule: Less Is More. Too much molasses will gunk everything up.
Your plan still sounds sound! :smokebuds:
just remixed another batch so its just slightly brown water now, not dark like it was, gonna just give her some ph'd water to cut down the mollasses she just got