First AFN PH Test results.

Have a read through the PH section wwwillie:d5: some good stuff in there...:smokebuds:

This sounds interesting. I am a vitamin C person, I average 16 to 24 grams a
day. I also take ALA 600mg per day, I use it for diabetic neuropathy.
addicted to research I will be looking into this, any good places to start?
Separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak.

Give me a couple of days with site being down..then come to the Transdermal magnesium test thread...
I Think I have a Good bit of homeworking for you...:tiphat:..that will Work..
Well for about the past year I've been trying to tube myself in to my ph and have defintely noticed the correlation between low ph feeling tired, more susceptible to catching colds, increase pain etc vs higher ph and feeling better.... I've on and off taken ala, baking soda, olive leaf caps etc... My downfall has always been my addiction to battery acid aka diet colas...
Lately I've been trying to be more diligent in taking my ala and my multivitamin... Well after All these polar vortexes and feeling crappy I noticed today I didn't drink as much cola and also was feeling more energetic than normal so out of curiosity I measures my PH... Sorry for the pic if you take offense...
Well my ph read this :


The highest I've seen my ph! Retook this just now after having drank some soda and eating ice cream it was 6.58

:Sharing One:

So just had a glass of h20
Before heading off To my
Well for about the past year I've been trying to tube myself in to my ph and have defintely noticed the correlation between low ph feeling tired, more susceptible to catching colds, increase pain etc vs higher ph and feeling better.... I've on and off taken ala, baking soda, olive leaf caps etc... My downfall has always been my addiction to battery acid aka diet colas...
Lately I've been trying to be more diligent in taking my ala and my multivitamin... Well after All these polar vortexes and feeling crappy I noticed today I didn't drink as much cola and also was feeling more energetic than normal so out of curiosity I measures my PH... Sorry for the pic if you take offense...
Well my ph read this :

View attachment 324186

The highest I've seen my ph! Retook this just now after having drank some soda and eating ice cream it was 6.58

:Sharing One:

So just had a glass of h20 and baking soda
Before heading off To bed
I started the other day with BS.My average daily PH was roughly 6.1-6.3.Having used the BS now for a couple days Im not sure if its Im just having a pretty good day,or if its the BS working its magic a bit.I have had more alertness as well as some light energy pretty much all day and I just tested it not 20 minutes ago and I'm running a 7.0-7.1 it was going between the two.LOL! And the awesome hing is that I asked a friend of mine if he'd lone me a few bucks friday to order some Mag. Flakes so I can hop on the plan as well.All in was a far better day than Ive had in some weeks.:woohoo: :tiphat:
I must say I had forgotten about the BS course. When I saw this tread pop up again a few days ago I started up and I do feel better too. I haven't dug up and calibrated my PH pen to see where my pee be. :peace: