Sorry work has kept me busy..I didn't See you...

I have read in my research that low pH stuff like apple cider vinegar and lemon juice added to water has a alkalising affect on the body. Not sure about plain water thou, any ideas?
First off..PH your water supply..
if it is Tap water it will probably be PH positive..above PH 7...
some of the Well water users have very acid water as we found out with stylez.
Strangely..lemon although an acid has an alkalising effect on the does cider vinegar..but not as effective..
and for some reason..Lime has a lot stronger alkalising effect than lemon..
Green tea's too..just grab a handful of any fresh herbs in the garden..wash then pour boiling water over and let it stand for 10 minutes..then drink.
This also counts with shoving as much fresh herbs into any cooked foods.
What we do as start up is get people up and onto the program for two weeks at a reasonably stable PH with just Baking soda and Olive leaf..then Stop for a week.
Because Strangely people feel an improvement so fast that they Forget how unwell they were..stopping it after 2 weeks lets US see how fast your PH drops back over the week..and it will bring on all your Old aches and pains back after about 4 You get an appreciation of how Effective it is.
If you drop back like a stone..then we need to Look at dietary exclusions..Dubv is setting up the Paleo work on main med section shortly..coz Paleo is the Best PH maintenance diet.
The Two most Dangerous foods are sugar and if you want to start cutting back..that is what you Need out first.
I Promise you that if we can get you up to a steady PH 7.35 it will be Worth the Effort..even chronic/long term sickies respond to it.
Regarding ciggies..if you are cutting back you will experience a metabolic drop which may interfere with your results for a don't worry if you are a little slow to respond.
Almost everyone who has hit the steady PH finds that their cigarette comsumption goes down.
You don't Need them as much..same with prescription gear and canna comsumption..
so mark your consumption Now..and we will use it as a marker to see if it drops as you get well.