Indoor Finish of ICU#2 and Bad Betty

I had to flip back a page or two but I see that you are pushing the limits of what a six inch pot can do.
I had to flip back a page or two but I see that you are pushing the limits of what a six inch pot can do.

Im trying to i want to see how much is possible in that small of a pot. So far 104 is the best i have done wet. I think that the other female i have in there is going to be a little bit bigger than this one. She's still growing outward and is still green as green can be so i figure she ahs about another week or so to go before chop. I want this bad betty to go as long as she needs to.

Ill have final pics up tonight of the before and after. I had a good deal of work last night.
but i can tell you her weight is going to smash the ICU weight.

Noooooo Bro..stop her there.....:no:.....

I said, "When we can get them to an Ounce DRY in a 6 inch pot AF's will take over the Canna World..."

anything just plain Greedy....:jump: :jump: :jump:

Heavy Weight karma sent....:D

Don't forget the height before you cut her down..
it would be handy to work out Grammes per Inch height..x grow time
helps us compare with the Amazonian yields.

You bet i did a Mossy wiggle all over the kitchen.
OoooH..I hope you wiped up after it..or Lady D will blame the dog.....:thumbs:
Noooooo Bro..stop her there.....:no:.....

I said, "When we can get them to an Ounce DRY in a 6 inch pot AF's will take over the Canna World..."

anything just plain Greedy....:jump: :jump: :jump:

Not trying to be greedy :) just setting the standard for AF's :thumbs:
Mom always told me i was one to break the rules LOL

Im just glad that i can pull this from the small areas. Now i am wanting to pass that info along to the masses. Once i do like you say we will all be laughing. think about it. If you have a space that is 3x3x5 and a 250watt HPS you can easily put 14-16 1 gal pots in that area and pull 1 oz a piece dry form them you have a pound in 8 weeks if not a little more or a little less.

That is my goal for growers of the auto to teach them that they can get the weight if they try hard enough and pay attention to them. It has worked for me every time and my numbers keep going up and up. I so want to get 3 zips dry from a 6in pot.

Heavy Weight karma sent....:D

Thanks my friend. All this karma has to be going some where its either going to the yields or hidden locked away in a JEM seed

Don't forget the height before you cut her down..
it would be handy to work out Grammes per Inch height..x grow time
helps us compare with the Amazonian yields.

You got it i forgot to do that on ICU but with BB i will do so

OoooH..I hope you wiped up after it..or Lady D will blame the dog.....:thumbs:

she woke to me laughing last night as i was clipping from the contact buzz. She asked what the heck i was doing and i showed her.

She said you lost it i said no this is the Mossy wiggle hahaha
Not trying to be greedy :) just setting the standard for AF's
Oh I Think you are succeeding in that...

I can't wait to see you test the plain compo..amended compo..alongside grow...
I have the feeling that I amy be needing to start transplanting @ sex..
because I am Sure you are beating me @ Bud density.

Time will tell..
I'm looking forward to it.

Once i do like you say we will all be laughing.

Yup..for exactly the same reasoning as you....

That is my goal for growers of the auto to teach them that they can get the weight if they try hard enough and pay attention to them.
Well...I Think they will be listening now..

I so want to get 3 zips dry from a 6in pot.
I Like a Bro with Ambition..and I have every faith you will..

she woke to me laughing last night as i was clipping from the contact buzz. She asked what the heck i was doing and i showed her.

She said you lost it i said no this is the Mossy wiggle hahaha


see madness is catch it off my Buds...:thumbs:

I'm holding the full wiggle until she is dry...
I'm a bit supersticious about jinxing it...
I'm perking a big one..I can feel it in me water...:hump:
Oh I Think you are succeeding in that...

Thanks my friend i hope so

I can't wait to see you test the plain compo..amended compo..alongside grow...
I have the feeling that I amy be needing to start transplanting @ sex..
because I am Sure you are beating me @ Bud density.

like you said time will tell all. i think that it will be an interesting run side by side. I think that if you transplant before sex or right at it your girls my get even bigger. My new germs will be transplanted as soon as the first set it in and good. There there is no more movement other than to water them. Got another new type of pot for seedlings this round to see how they do. Your suposed to be able to plant the whole little pot and it allows the roots to break through it. Only thing is is it does not im gonna have little plants as the roots could pool in the bottom of the little biodegradable pot instead of pushing through it, I may just remove the bottom like i did last time and see what happens.

Well...I Think they will be listening now..

I think so too but time will tell once i finish the other thread about my tech

I Like a Bro with Ambition..and I have every faith you will..

Got to have something to reach for. :hot:


see madness is catch it off my Buds...:thumbs:

I'm holding the full wiggle until she is dry...
I'm a bit supersticious about jinxing it...
I'm perking a big one..I can feel it in me water...:hump:

Id have to say that its part of the cause :clap: those buds are passing along the madness way before my little one has a chance to make me mad:head: its all good though chill buds chill people :D

And hold on to that wiggle till i Jar the buds. then if its a zip or over well get our groove on in here like it was disco fever :firedevil:
as promised

Here is the final farewell to ICU#2



