Do you have a pic? Low K usually appears more as chlorosis / necrosis, especially around the saw tooths and tips (see
here). Wrinkled, crinkly, or deformed leaves - I usually attribute to high pH or rapid temp/RH changes.
You're also around Day 20-ish? I wouldn't be too concerned about a single leaf - especially new growth. It'll be starting to put out new growth faster and faster, so new leaves may come in a bit lighter green at first and take a few days to fully form. It may also be a bit early to need a top-dressing for

OF/HF - they should be able to go another 2-4 weeks - but, your middle layer of jiffy seed may be throwing a wrench into things.
In general, I try to balance K:Ca:Mg in a 4:2:1 ratio. But, I'm more of a mineral salt guy, and not so much organics/amendments/top-dressings. Since

OF/HF has a good amount of Ca already and no K, I'd look for products with high K and low (or no) Ca to balance it out.
On the salt side, none of the main

trio has any Ca. I'd start adding some Big Bloom if you're worried about low K. And, you can go pretty high since extra P usually isn't an issue. You can probably hit them with that for a feed or two before you decide on going the salt or top-dressing route for the rest of the grow.
On the top-dressing side, I think
@Tom Bombadil usually recommends build-a-flower or craft blend top dressings with

mixes, so he may be able to provide more input.