Another NugZ Gen 2 (or it could be a Slaughtered Lamb

) popped up out of the root riot, so into the tent it went.
Speaking of the tent humidity in there was 96%

, so needed to do something it's light off time so humidity does rise but wow, the tent walls were wet! I don't think I'll be watering the pots fully again until they are bigger.
Added an oscillating fan and a heat mat, will check beack in an hour and see where we are at.
Flattened the first Nugz Gen 2 again

, higher up the stem this time, when I was messing with the fan, so built an even bigger mound of soil to support it.
Might have to add the tube heater, don't want to, but my VPD is way out, cold and humid.
I live in an old house so humidity is always high, this time of year especially, colder temps too in my house.
No pictures yet, my phone is just charging at the moment, not swapped lights over yet either, will do over coming days.