Indoor FFOF & Happy Frog Seedling Comparison Grow

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I fell pretty bad on my property yesterday and cracked a rib and nearly broke my wrist. Also my bad leg from the wreck I twisted so I'm a mess today... The rib is the worst part so it's very difficult for me to stay on the laptop for periods of time. So, picture updates will be sparse until my rib gets a bit better. Plus it's hard to type with my hand/wrist.

But the good news is the NYLPD female is blowing up. Still packing on the resin and getting stickier by the day! Doing just fine.

The AA is just nuts. All I can say. Still just smile every time I see her! She has been probably the easiest plant I've ever grown. And by far the tallest and bushiest! Actually all the Autos I've grown have been easy. It's me the grower that made past grows difficult! LOL

I'll get pics updated when I can.
Thanks Killa. I'll try to get some pics up soon. She's just a frosty sticky incredible site! Very thick. Very resinous. The wife says she smells JUST like Pineapple.

The AA is starting to beef up and trich up real good. They are both on cruise control right now...
sounds good west i seriously cannot wait to see the updated pics lol idk y but even though its not my own grow super excited to see how those two finish up for ya.
Sorry for the limited pics but you'll get the idea how much they've beefed up in a few weeks! Well, the AA is taking her time but she's just starting to beef up and I'm siked to see how much she'll pack on! They NYLPD is massive! She's sticky and frosty as all heck! The AA is at day 54 and the NYLPD is at day 56.

NY EXPRESS_11-30-11_DAY 56.jpg NYLPD. Pardon the yellowing. I think it's just natural progression... She is getting on day 60...

AA1_11-30-11 day54.JPG Big ol' AA!

Soon as I feel better I'll get better pics.
Sorry for the lousy pic bro. I'll get you some better ones soon as my cortizone kicks in! LOL Can't lift shit at the moment...
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