Hey Buds! Been doing a lot of research into Humboldt Nutes and with a little help from a very good buddy I really think I've zero'd in on the problem... Here's the report.
So basically I've been dead wrong on the Honey ES... I THOUGHT it was pretty much the same as Molasses. SO I've been using it as Molasses... Well there's problem Numero Uno.
The Honey ES is a supplement that is basically a POTASSIUM fert. Well, I've been using that in addition to the Deuce Deuce (0-0-22) so they have been getting a BUTT load of K and basically NO Cal/Mag...
Here's what how I'm addressing it. I have my Black Strap Molasses so I'm putting that back in the mix where it belongs... The Honey ES I'll be using once a week like it says until it's gone and then I'm going to quit using it. I don't need it since it doesn't hold a candle to Black Strap Molasses. The wife ordered the Equilibrium (cal-mag) last night and once that's gone I'll probably just use the Molasses.
So really I haven't been giving them hardly ANY cal/mag when I thought I was giving them too much! That explains the yellowing and rusty spots... Also explains why I didn't have these issues on the first two runs of SR because I was using the Molasses every time WITH the Honey ES and Watering cycle...
Moral of the story Kids is an old cliche but so damn true! "IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT!!!" I've also learned to READ READ READ everything on the bottles of nutes!! Fine Print, everything... Most IMPORTANTLY the ingredients. Titles can be deceiving and when in doubt ask a Master!
Thank you Joe Dirt!!!

Thank you to all of you that offered help especially Agito! Would have helped if I was giving you all the right information (about the Honey...)!! You guys all ROCK!:head: