Few issues help please!


When nothing is going right. Go left...
Oct 5, 2016
Reaction score
Hi, please help with my issues any advise is greatly appreciated.

Growing 2 plants:
1. Fast and Vast Autoflower
2. Afgan KUSH x Black Domina photoperiod

I'm growing in a 60/40
Soil coco mix (it was a mistake IMO)
PH 6.4/6.5
Water PH 6.5
Run off @6.2
Last water 1ml GH micro + 2ml GH bloom 1 gal water
2 Previous watering have been only water as I noticed a potential def
Before that I was watering with 1ml CalMag/Litre of water.
It seems like the plant isn't taking CalMag through the roots.

- yellowing lower leaves
- purple branches from top down KUSH photo plant
- light shades between veins F&V auto plant
- Brown spots here and there on middle leaves new growth seems fine
- a little bit of tip redness on leaves

If there's any questions please ask I can post more pics if needed.


Pics here:

Don't know what brand CaMg you are using, but it looks to me like that is what is happening here. It is normal for the lower leaves to die away as the grow progresses, but this combined with the medium green look, could also indicated N def. A good upping of your CaMg is the first thing I would do. CaMg demand increases as the plant matures. Your CaMg probably has a N content, mine is 2% N, so upping CaMg will help both syptoms.
:toke: Pharma-- can you get us whole plant pics in normal light? the LED is lousy for diagnostics, as color offers clues,... from what I see so far, top pics looks like P defc., maybe mixed with something else like Mg, or N,... lowest leaves look like N defc., but are also being tapped in to heavily for other nutes too soon for this stage,.. over all, you feeds are light, so with pH being okay from what I see, most likely they are having lack-of defc.'s,....
I'm with HM, up the Ca-mg, and bloom feeds too some,... since you're in part coco, you Ca demands are significantly higher vs. reg. true soil!
Hey @Waira and @Heavily Medicated,
Thanks for your replies'
My CalMag is botanicare CalMag+ Only been spraying with it every few day because it seemed like I had iron def and mag def early on...
I was puting it in at 2ml per Litre before hand but they didn't seem to take it up the roots.
Last feed was 1ml micro + 2ml bloom GH nutes INTO 3Litres (around 1 gallon) of water.
Only have those 2 bottles as heard good things of "Lucas formula"
So do you think I should up both micro and bloom to how much double that next water? So 2ml micro 4ml bloom per gallon or more? Don't want to over do it of course... I will water again with 3L each plant.
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..feeds are too light, it's not that the roots aren't taking it in, it's simply not enough,... those ml's should be per liter, not gal,...
...the really yellow plant above looks like S defc., with that top to bottom yellowing... epsoms salts and foliar are the ticket there, 1tsp/l,.. you need a wetting agent to make the most of your foliar spraying, so it coats and sticks better, spray tops and bottoms of leaves, so more gets in there...:thumbsup: