Salutations B0b_b1tch1n,
My opinion is that it would become necessary to evaluate concentration properly, for starters. Doesn't CS represent a risk of destroying the root's delicate baterial balance? Although i can't offer a suitable answer to address such concerns i'd think of asking hydroponic/airponic growers as they must have heard of it before (relatively to "rhizobacteria", whatever).
Perhaps those interrested should try foliar sprays first and then evolve from there, carefully... Personally, i'd proceed by protecting my soil from it using absorbant paper, on the contrary.
Testing would be required to tell what works or not on the long run i suppose.
After a while, when dealing with sick rooting, i might consider using CS to flush the parasites out but then i wonder how one can re-install healthy baterial life in that sterilized pot before the plant suffers damage!
Lets say i'm actually clueless but my self-watering buckets don't saturate with water (excess liquid simply falls into the bottom tank), so it's all good after all, as i never got to face such scenarios i must confess.
That's another puzzle waiting to be unfold but yes, it would make sense to me.
Does AFN need suggestions for some future contest? I think one could be called "Throw mites at it and still win the war, no sweat!", etc... You get the idea (to swap positions around for a change).
A coordinated fight might also optionally include cold temperature and UV (hard) light, to raise the level of challenge... has been mentioned that root issues can be fixed when watering with c.s. ...
My opinion is that it would become necessary to evaluate concentration properly, for starters. Doesn't CS represent a risk of destroying the root's delicate baterial balance? Although i can't offer a suitable answer to address such concerns i'd think of asking hydroponic/airponic growers as they must have heard of it before (relatively to "rhizobacteria", whatever).
Perhaps those interrested should try foliar sprays first and then evolve from there, carefully... Personally, i'd proceed by protecting my soil from it using absorbant paper, on the contrary.
Testing would be required to tell what works or not on the long run i suppose.
After a while, when dealing with sick rooting, i might consider using CS to flush the parasites out but then i wonder how one can re-install healthy baterial life in that sterilized pot before the plant suffers damage!
Lets say i'm actually clueless but my self-watering buckets don't saturate with water (excess liquid simply falls into the bottom tank), so it's all good after all, as i never got to face such scenarios i must confess.
...a male in a window would do better then a female...
That's another puzzle waiting to be unfold but yes, it would make sense to me.
Does AFN need suggestions for some future contest? I think one could be called "Throw mites at it and still win the war, no sweat!", etc... You get the idea (to swap positions around for a change).
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