Indoor Feenix- 1 Go Auto ET Dragon

I chopped my Mephisto Toof Decay so a GoAuto Cheeses Dragon went into a damp towel this morning.

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Hey, lookin really good my friend. Subbin up =)
Cheesus Dragon just popped and will be in a cup of Jiffy Starter Mix within the hour.


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Hey, lookin really good my friend. Subbin up =)
Welcome as always Neko. I watched your great vids. Getting more polished with each new one. Keep it up.
I almost lost my second attempt at Cheesus Dragon to Fungus Gnat larvae. Just as she sprouted they killed about 1 1/2 inch of taproot leaving a 3/4 inch stub. She has her color back and hopefully will survive. I drenched all my plants with mosquito dunks which I ground to powder and soaked in. I have no clue how long they take.

Here is what the sprout looks like now. I trimmed the bad off the root. She either continues growth or not.
It is iffy. I'm going to drop another. it will runt if it makes it so I'll put it in the woods.

Thanks for all the rep.:pass:
It is iffy. I'm going to drop another. it will runt if it makes it so I'll put it in the woods.

Thanks for all the rep.:pass:
It's always something ain't it. I broke the top off a YDB the other day. Thought I had it fixed it was heads up looking for the light... The fan blew it over so now I have 1 topped YDB
Day 33
ET Dragon is thriving,

