New Grower fedding cycle whats the best way ???

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Depends what your growing medium is? Soil,hydro,Airoponics,dwc etc

Its always best to start with a lower dose like 1/4 for a few feedings to see how they take to it.If they are ok then increase slightly and so on and so on.As for when to start it that all depends on your particular grow? some more info on the grow your refering to mate. :peace: Si
sorry man i ment in soil but like how many times a week do i use the newts like do i water once a week and use newts or use newts twice a week ???
sorry man i ment in soil but like how many times a week do i use the newts like do i water once a week and use newts or use newts twice a week ???

some people feed nutes every other feed so you do Nutes then plain water nutes and so on. I feed nutes every feed except for once a week when i replace one of the feeds with calmag only. Id recomend if your just learning your stuff to feed nutes every other feed. What soil are you using? if it has enougth feed for them in it then dont start the nutes till week 3-4 then start at 1/4 dose. The best way to determain when to water again is either See how heavy the pot feels once you have waterd it, Then when it gets light water again.
Or if the top of the soil is dry put your finger an inch or so into the soil if its still moist you can give it another 12-24 hrs deppends on how quick she drinks it up( mine are going throught 1litre a day )

What soil are you using?
What nutes do you plant to use?
What lighting ( being nosey :D)
ok im growing a photo period plant right now and my autos just arived in the mail today so i got soome seed in a glass of water well any ways ive been feeding my 2 month old plant rizoponic and canna veg and its in cann terra pro plus its the perfect mix i just had to buy some dolimight lime to mix in:) so ive been feeding mine 2 times a week u think she needs more ??