Feature Request

That's pretty much me as well, too complicated. I have tried the feature, but gave up due to the complexity & the fact my blog got virtually zero hits compared to a thread I've created.

I'm sure it's not really difficult once you get into it, but I come on here to show my pics & chill & not to learn another IT skill, so I take the easier path.
I prefer the blog feature but if I ever figure out how to do reader mode maybe I'll try a grow log in the forums. My biggest issue is the lack of hits too. But my hope is that over time people will find my logs from their search engine and the lack of clutter will get them to read the whole thing and share it.

A cool feature would be the ability to specify the default page display order for people who haven't specified a preference. That way, while in progress the default could be the latest entry. But after the grow is finished it would be nice for the log to run in chronological order.