*slobber slobber* 
Ooo yeah, that'll do it!

buds look juicy even in the HPS light! Purple blush tops are especially yummy looking,...

How's the buzz, a little racy or did you let her amber up some?

porn shooting skills can be frustrating until you find the set-up that works for your camera,... I find that the flash is your friend, showing off the trich' sparkly's best! Try this out: use low light in the room, just enough to see what you're shooting in the display; get the macro setting on (usually a little flower icon), and place buds on a dark, low reflective background; next, this will vary camera to camera, but you'll have to take practice shots to dial in the right distance to shoot from... too close, and the flash washes out things, too far, and the trich's don't show well, even with zoom...tinker with distance and zoom until you get a nice close shots, well focused, balanced light spread and intensity ... On my older digital camera, it's a very limited range, but it works well enough...

--here's a familiar face:


thanks for the canna-bonah Step!