--McDee, something is FUBAR in that pot, .. I'm with pop22, it's very suspect for badly off pH,.. I see multiple defc.s', top to bottom,... an actual in-pot pH is called for, or at the very least a run-off test of pH and ppm's from water only; it's a crude estimate, but it will give a ballpark indication if the pH is badly off, and if it's being caused by nutrient build-up or not,... if other plants are fine from the same nutes, etc., then something went tits-up with this one,... your feeds, at 25% are pretty mild,.. any idea what ppm/EC that measures out to? Do you water/feed to significant run-off? this is a must in soilless, especially with coco,... coco is a huge Ca hog until sated, are you using only 25% str. Ca-Mg as well?