Indoor Fastbuds Green Crack, DIY Cobs, and Jimmy

nice thread, subbed for sure.

any reasons why you took the 2700k vero's?
I had all 3500/80 chips to start with.. Wanted a little more red in the spectrum after seeing some direct side by side grows with 80 vs 90 cri.. If i could go back i would get all 90cri..3000/3500.. I couldn't find any 3000/90 at the time so i just got some 2700/90's for the center.. You can definitely see the difference when looking up at the cobs. From comparisons ive seen you can shave a week or more off your grow time with 90cri...Tons of info on this subject on RIU..
I had all 3500/80 chips to start with.. Wanted a little more red in the spectrum after seeing some direct side by side grows with 80 vs 90 cri.. If i could go back i would get all 90cri..3000/3500.. I couldn't find any 3000/90 at the time so i just got some 2700/90's for the center.. You can definitely see the difference when looking up at the cobs. From comparisons ive seen you can shave a week or more off your grow time with 90cri...Tons of info on this subject on RIU..

yeah i've seen that post on RUI, very interesting. also that 660nm wake up and 740nm go to sleep thing i found there :D
Pics as promised
Well i sure wouldnt call them fast.. 2 in the back are the farthest along.. But far from done.. They filled out very well to there space. Either the duel fuel is that concentrated or these girls are sensitive to nutes.. Not all but about half show some burnt tips and im only Feeding at half strength. Continually trimming away lower growth.

Frost is starting.. Funny thing is the 2 lst'd ones are the smallest..
Pic update
Starting to see a little mag deficiency, nutes have been upped to compensate. They all seem happy praying to the cob gods.. Still waiting on my mephisto order and ive heard it can take a while to get here, so if these guys want to take longer than so be it.. Pulling 380w now on each panel. I will increase slowly as time goes on.

They have filled the 4*8 space very nicely. I will be sticking with 8 per run..
Hey buddy I've have looked at your build ( a whole and it's awesome. I have a 5'x9' Gorilla tent and was wondering if you think your lights would work great in there or should I go 4'x4' for the frame?
Also since you have got to use yours for a grow is there anything you would change now? Thanks
If your going to do 2 panels like mine i think they would do great in what u have. If your planning on only doing 1 panel then it would be perfect for a 4*4. If i went back to do it all over again i would only change the spectrum of the cobs. I would go all 3500k/90cri or all 3000/90. Did you check out my build thread? Lots of info in there.
Cheers and good luck
I see now you were talking about the frame being 4*4.. Stoner moment.. Hahaha.
I still think 3*3 would be good, even better than the 5*8ish spot i use as some of mine are a little close to the walls..