Indoor Fast Buds Pineapple Express Autoflower, first grow in coco

I run auto irrigation DTW Coco with the halo rings and started out with a similar setup to yours. I found that with 2 plants in flower I needed to mix a 20 litre bucket pretty much everyday. By my third grow I had upgraded to a 100 litre tote for my res to feed 4 plants.

You gotta keep an eye on the run off as the plants get bigger. If you are not getting at least your 20 percent run off everyday the EC in the coco can shoot up pretty quickly and cause you headaches.

pH rising could be just the nutrients. Some brands are more prone to swings than others. I dropped out one product that was doing this really bad and now I hardly even check it. pH swings from 5.8 to 6.4 are healthy for the grow and nothing to worry about but anything outside of that needs to be countered.

Watch the res temps. If it gets too warm it doesn't get properly air rated and is bad for the root system.
Thanks for the info!! Much appreciated. Yea I can see already a bigger res is gonna be needed. I'm fertigating twice a day right now. Keeping the coco 90-100% saturated. Pump running 48 seconds I use almost 3 liters and get right at 800-900ml runoff between the 2 plants. My res running 70°f (21°c).
So a couple pics of these ladies. They are definitely growing. Topped off rez added a hair less than 1/8 Tsp of Raw Yucca powder.. Believe I will top both of them tomorrow or Friday.
Day 16 for these young ladies. Topped and started training. I think they'll respond well. Both seem to be really strong plants
Cleaned res again yesterday evening. Should have took pics looked like a light coating of mud on my pump and sides of res. Pretty sure it was the Big Bloom causing it. After cleaning and sanitizing all with peroxide. Added 3 gallons water to rez. Dehumidifier water and tap. Added, 9ml Silica Blast, 10ml Cal Mag, 8ml Hydroguard, 15 ml Pure Blend Tea, 45ml Grow Big Hydro, 15ml Kangaroots and approximately 1/16th tsp of Raw Yucca powder. Ppm was 1200. Added tap water to res to get ppm to 950. Ph'd to 5.77
Girls are looking great today. Fed 250ml Recharge solution to each, mixed at 1tsp per gallon.
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Day 19. Some more lst. Does this look like a slight calcium and/or Magnesium deficiency?

Believe it or not mate, I have had this issue twice in a soil grow. Moreso towards start of flower.

I never found out my issue exactly, but what I did find that was interesting was low humidity can cause this, and a lockout.

You will be more prone to a lockout in coco because you are using autopots?

What is your RH and how much are you feeding them and how many times a day?

I would not treat her with calmag yet because it can cause more problems.

Make sure she is getting watered to run off every day and check the run off PPMS and PH