Indoor Fast Buds Pineapple Express Autoflower, first grow in coco

Day 10, transplant time. Time to get these ladies into their final pots. Then off to the hydro shop to get some things. Transplanted and fed 550ppm nutes til 20% runoff, ph'd to 5.9. Then gave 500mil each Recharge mixed at 2tsp per gallon.
Looking good bro! Will pull-up a chair and see how it turns out :smoking:
May 31st. Day 13. First manual run with the Eco Plus 185 pump and the Hydro halos I learned that little pump can pump about 2 gallons of nutes in 90 seconds....:doh:. Finally got it fine tuned. Currently have timer set to fertigate twice a day for 52 seconds, 600ppm (150 ppm half tap water half dehumidifier/ro water) Botanica Silica Blast and CalMag, Big Bloom, Grow Big and Kangaroots. Ph'd to 5.9. I believe they are liking it so far!!
looking great bro i will pull up a chair also I never replied about the feeding as I've never used this type of feeding as I grow in autopots but it looks like you have it well sussed out and i will pop back weekly see how your getting on
looking great bro i will pull up a chair also I never replied about the feeding as I've never used this type of feeding as I grow in autopots but it looks like you have it well sussed out and i will pop back weekly see how your getting on
Thanks man.!! It's been trial and error so far. Wasn't able to find much info on a good starting point, lol.
Yesterday was day 14 for these ladies. Was a busy day. Had to feed my closet grow. Had to mix up nutes for the 2x4 tent so I could feed this morning b4 work. And these girls resevoir needed cleaned. Only been running since Friday, but was some build up on the pump, air stone, lines and cord. Took 1000ml of what nute solution was left. Poured 500 ml around outside edge of each of the ladies pots just to ensure the coco is staying saturated on the outside edge. Rinsed all in bathtub and cycled pump in sink to rinse. Cleaned everything with peroxide. Filled resevoir with 2 gallons dehumidifier water and 1 gallon tap water. Switched my ball valves so pump could recirculate resevoir. Added 9ml Silica Blast, 9mil Cal Mag, 45ml Big Bloom, 45 Grow Big Hydro, 15ml Kangaroots. Ppm was 1200. Little higher than I wanted. Added 1 more gallon tap water. Brought ppm to 950. Ph'd resevoir to 5.87. Check ph of resevoir this morning before timer clicked on. Ph was 6.27. Added ph down, ph was 5.83. Close enough. Seems my PH always rises in my resevoir, I have to add ph down every 24hrs, (trying to hold 5.9 ph) any idea why it always rises??? No pics, will snap some tonight.
I run auto irrigation DTW Coco with the halo rings and started out with a similar setup to yours. I found that with 2 plants in flower I needed to mix a 20 litre bucket pretty much everyday. By my third grow I had upgraded to a 100 litre tote for my res to feed 4 plants.

You gotta keep an eye on the run off as the plants get bigger. If you are not getting at least your 20 percent run off everyday the EC in the coco can shoot up pretty quickly and cause you headaches.

pH rising could be just the nutrients. Some brands are more prone to swings than others. I dropped out one product that was doing this really bad and now I hardly even check it. pH swings from 5.8 to 6.4 are healthy for the grow and nothing to worry about but anything outside of that needs to be countered.

Watch the res temps. If it gets too warm it doesn't get properly air rated and is bad for the root system.