@Mañ'O'Green @blue @St. Tom Gonna set these little ladies up on a auto irrigation drain to waste. After transplant obviously. Anyone used or know anyone that has used the halo hydro? Or maybe better options?
Sorry mate, not me! I'm an autopot user!

@Mañ'O'Green @blue @St. Tom Gonna set these little ladies up on a auto irrigation drain to waste. After transplant obviously. Anyone used or know anyone that has used the halo hydro? Or maybe better options?
Hell yea!! Thanks man!Looking good bro! Will pull-up a chair and see how it turns out :smoking:
Thanks man.!! It's been trial and error so far. Wasn't able to find much info on a good starting point, lol.looking great bro i will pull up a chair also I never replied about the feeding as I've never used this type of feeding as I grow in autopots but it looks like you have it well sussed out and i will pop back weekly see how your getting on