Outdoor Fast Bud, La Bella Afrodita, Speedy Gonz & Super Auto Sativa.



Well here is the start of my grow. Grown before ,jus not autos. So as alittle practice run with them I bought 5 diff strains to try afew diff seed banks as well to see what the genetics are like. Only 4 made it to the pots. GreenHouse seeds Auto Big Bang cracked open and died. Great start. Never lost a seed like that before so was a bit worried about what the rest were gonna do. So far all is well. Not sure weather they should be bigger or what. Not experienced enuff with autos to say.So far would say they are alittle slower than when Ive done indoors but put thet down to the enviroment. Anyway, heres what Im doing.

The 4 seeds that were left went straight into 10ltr pots that have Plant Magic organic soil mixed with 10% perlite and alittle measure of Caveman Bat Guano(5-1-1). No nutes yet jus tap water with Plant Magic Bio-Silicon & Bio-Nova x-cel (seaweed/seawater bio-stim). When they need feedin Ill be using the Plant Magic Oldtimer Organic Grow and Bloom feeds. Trying an 100% organic grow as well this time round. Done nearly all organic grows before but cant help using Bloom Boosts that arent organic. As findin them organic is hard. Here they are anyway; The SAS had 2 tap roots wen it cracked. Wish I left it on the plate alittle longer to see if they were joined as 1 or weather it was 2 plants in 1 seed. As they,ve grown on it looks to me as 2 seperate plants. Gave the smaller one a gentle tug to see if it woul come out but was worried id damage the both of them,so stopped. Prolly end up havin to killl him off unless anyones had experi with this kind of thing. Could youm get away with both in there. If it was more Indica Id let them both be and LST but being mainly Sativa in genetics its gonna need all that pot space then some Id imagine.They are in same order as above.
ps Any comments, constructive critisim very welcome. Im here to learn about this genus of cannabis that i was very sceptical about not too long ago. My own ignorance. Something about Rudi's being bad for cannabis.I got in with the wrong crowd on another site that shall remain namless.Its easy to jump on the bandwagon wen u dont have all the facts.And as for Rudi's being bad for cannabis.... Yet to see any proof of that! On the contary.This forum being a big eye opener. So thank you for broading my horizons guys, Keep up the good work.Peace, redz....
Ill go into wat Im doing in more detail tomorrow, jus seen the time. Ive got to get up in 5 hrs for work!?! So nighty night form the wet UK. Still we have had a good week with sun and no rain so it was well over due. Spose thats our summer. Usually about aweek of good weather if we're lucky.And thats it. Jus wish we could have a gaureented summer of jus 3-4 mths and then be cold and wet if you want. But we dont even get that. If fact winters are getting worse and so are the summers. Im gonna move to Majorica one day and grow till my hearts content!?! One day.:cool:
I'll be following this one, as I have just started 5 Fast Bud feminized. Good luck with your grow!!!
Nice one Kalyx, Good luck to yourself. I dropped in on yours last night. I like the barriers around urs. Nice idea. I'll pop over later web back from work. It's a mare using my phone for the web. Jus take to long to post anyting.Peace,redz...
ps Here's to the fast bud being the don! Hopefully.
Hey red! hope they work out for you!

karma sent
Sorry to read about the bigbang bro... that blows.. can't wait to see these take off as I'm lookin to do some fast bud and some speedy! Gl
Thanks 4 poppin in guys.Make urself at home.Cheers 4 de good vibes & karma.Any advice on wat to do wid de 2 SASs growing in same pot?Otherwise I'll let dem get abit bigger den cull the small 1.2 seedlings from 1 seed. Don't kno if its 2 separate plants or if they are joined.At wat age do they start their growth spurt.That is wat happens, right! Like I said,never done autos before.Will post some mo pics later wen I get home.They looked nice an healthy last night b4 I crashed out.Anyway, I'm gone like Jon, bless, redz...
If you're a risk takes and have good hands, you might be able to separate the two shoots. But you'd have to do it NOW and not wait until the roots get tangled up beyond repair.

Otherwise, snip the runt and let the big brother get all the nutrients. No sense in having competition if you're going to have to cull the weak one anyway...not easy to do, though.

Let's have some friendly competition between our grows so we can push ourselves to get the most out of our harvests. Of course I only want you to be successful in whatever way you can manage, but since our grows are about the same age, we can encourage each other to max out these autoflowers.

the kid
Hey Kalyx, thats a cool idea. Bring it on!?! lol. And of course I want nothing but sucess for ur grow. But hope I pull an extra few g's!?! Moohahaha....:firedevil: I tried to pull the smaller one out awhile ago with no success. Its gonna have to go. Its not doing too well anyway. Here they are as of this afternoon. Not much in the way of up top growth. Jus hope they are really rooting well at the moment as they have hardly grown at all since last pic. Its been abit cold of late. Around 65-69 degrees tops. They were meant to be grown in the garden but as the weather is so shit Im thinking about putting them under a 250w digital grow light Ive got. Have MH, HPS and Dual Spec bulbs for it. |Although I found that the dual spec bulb didnt work very well in the digi ballast. Anyone else have probs with bulbs in a Digital ballast. Its a purple Lumetec one with the 'Super Lumens' switch. It says it can do both MH and HPS but even had some minor probs with the HPS bulb in there. The MH was no problem tho. Weird!


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Tried to edit post but it wont let me so will do it like this.The tags I put on each pic didnt come out on them like on my computer. All 10 days old. 10 litre pots. Order of pics is;

1. Nutes Ill be using. Have aload of other stuff as well if needed.
2. Speedy Gonzales (Flash seeds)
3. SAS runt.
4. SAS
5. Both SAS (Big Buddah)
6. La Bella Afrodita (Delicious seeds)
7. La Bella
8. La Bella
9. Fast Bud (Sweet seeds)
10. Fast Bud.

All have slowed down and not much going on after initial sprouting up thru soil. The La Bella and the SAS are lookin the healthiest at the moment. Also how do i put a sig and link to this grow at bottom of page?