Indoor Fantasmo Express and Fast Buds Mix 600 watt Dual Spec HPS.

"G14 is the most stable strain that is offered by our seed bank. It's the successful outcome of work conducted by our botanists who strove to design a strain that could be cultivated in all conditions With this variety, all efforts have been expended to improve the Lowryder lineage while preserving its finest qualities, especially with regards to its most prominent features: quick blooming times, compact form, and an overall discrete growth profile, This variety is ideal for urban gardening and adapts well to cityscapes. It's great when grown in a container on a balcony, in a greenhouse, or in a grow closet. G14 is a survivor that will gratify you with awesome results"
They are little when they start they are amazing little plants I'm only on second grow but one of my little ones got over 30 inch's the smallest 12 I got 2 oz off that 12 inch plant it was amazing all 4 were small when they showed bit It worked out okay!
The Fantasmo is 34.5" tall :growing: I'm just going to roll with it and see how the G14 turns out but I'm not super impressed. Hopefully I will be by the end of the grow :smokeit:
That girl is getting tall I figure I'm up for a stunts plant that seems real easy to do with autos I've got 5 going bet there's one stunted runt in the bunch lol
It's not fun when your limited on space.
I don't think this will take up much space midget.jpg

I'm much more impressed with the Fantasmo Express

The auto flowers are a trip they kind of scare me you never know what they are going to do at least it keeps it interesting they look beautiful!
Fantasmo Express weighed in at 100g dry. Hung upside down for 3 days then dried as branches individually before being jarred.
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Two of the G14 are about a week away and two a little longer.
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LSD is showing purple now. Looks like a pretty nice plant too. Shame two hermied.
Made BHO with the trim from the Fantasmo Express
Bud is nice and dusty.

I'm happy to have gotten 100g from a plant. I think thats good. I'd had a little sample too so it would have been a little over 100 really like 102 or something. Really nice smells, obviously just beginning to cure but pine, peach and sandlewood are mingled together there with a dankness in the background like eggy methane smell. Nice. Thanks for watching.