Indoor Fantasmo Express and Fast Buds Mix 600 watt Dual Spec HPS.

May 19, 2016
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I've been meaning to get around to start some coverage of my grow on here. I'm still really new to growing so my fingers are killing me because they're crossed all the time.

I'm doing a mix of strains from Fast Buds (G14, Pineapple Express, LSD 25 and Six Shooter) and a Fantasmo Express that was a freebie I had in a drawer. I also started off a free Amnesia Auto from World of Seeds but it turned out to be a male plant so...:wall:

My last grow was Northern Light x Big Bud AUTO by World of Seeds which reached pre-flower and then froze in time without flowering. I ultimately pulled the plug on that one. I think I'm probably a bit new still to be able to slate a seed bank but after my experiences I would say that personally, I wouldn't use World of Seeds again.:nono:


In a glass of mineral water for 24 hours then into Root Riot Cubes in a prop, kept moist. Moved to final pot when root shows through the cube.

Tent: 1.2m x 1.2m

Light: Sunmaster 600 watt Dual Spec with parabolic reflector. 18/6

Extraction: Rhino fan+filter 6"

Medium: Soil mix (PLant Magic Soil Supreme/Perlite/Worm Castings/Volcanic Rock Dust/Epsom Salts/Lime/PM Granules)

Pots: 6L and 12L

Water: Tap water left to stand 24 hours.:sleeping:

Nutes: PM Soil Grow+Bloom Hard water (Not 100% Organic) PM OT Grow+Bloom (Organic) PM Magne Cal+, Bio Nova PK 13-14, Epsom Salts


Not the best pic in the world, I know, but from a few days ago. The plant at the 6 O'clock position is the Pineapple Express, the tallest one is the Fantasmo Express from Mephisto Genetics and all the others are G14. I currently have 3 x LSD 25 and 1 x Six Shooter germing in root riot cubes. I'm expecting them to show tomorrow night or Monday.

Everything seems to be going quite nicely, the Fantasmo I'm feeding the non organic stuff because I think it might actually give better results with my tap water. Everything else I want to be 100% Organic.

The Fantasmo has about a two week head start on the G14 and Pineapple Express (PE). The PE was started at the same time as the G14s and it was notably less vigorous. All the G14s look a lot older than the PE. On their website they say that the PE doesn't like too much Nitrogen so when I gave it it's first feed the other day I opted to feed very lightly with the PM OT Grow. I'm no pro so just gonna see how it goes!:baked:


Here's how the Fantasmo Express is looking right now, as we speak. I think It's pretty good. Abot 3.8 weeks old. Forgot to note down the sprout date:naughtystep:I forget a lot.
Is your dual spec a mh and hps bulb? I'm new also but have studied last year before grow and world of seed auto grows don't seem to go to well I don't know how there other genetics are. I think most carry any old autos cause so many people like them I only think a few have good auto genetics.
I'm starting my second grow I'm gong to run this one all hps next one all mh and I got a bulb that's half hps half mh my husband thought it was cool paid ungodly price for it. I've yet to run it because I noticed more heat from the mh then the hps. Im just going to experiment welcome to afn these folks here are great people and great growers. I look forward to following your grow.
Is your dual spec a mh and hps bulb? I'm new also but have studied last year before grow and world of seed auto grows don't seem to go to well I don't know how there other genetics are. I think most carry any old autos cause so many people like them I only think a few have good auto genetics.
I'm starting my second grow I'm gong to run this one all hps next one all mh and I got a bulb that's half hps half mh my husband thought it was cool paid ungodly price for it. I've yet to run it because I noticed more heat from the mh then the hps. Im just going to experiment welcome to afn these folks here are great people and great growers. I look forward to following your grow.
:welcome: Hi, it's an HPS bulb. Here is the bulb: Amazon product It is pretty warm in there up 25 plus. It's cool to have you along :toke:, hopefully all goes nicely. I'll keep things updated on here as I go.

From what I've seen online the Fast Buds should be good. They look nice so far although the Pineapple Express seems tentative but I'm just going to feed it lightly.
I wish he would have got a bulb like that that one I got is one of each in same tube I think it's 600 hps 400 mh I'm going to try dam thing for 100.00 spent on it.
I personally am not going to spend over 25 -30 dollars on a bulb.I ts the thought that counts.
I just grew a g13 pine apple express it was a lovely plant just the smoke was not very strong but you would never guess that by look taste and smell. Fast buds looks like they have some good ones I want to try a few next year I'm booked the rest of this one. We're going to have a grow battle with grape crinkle its a beginner's starting on the first come over and visit would be great if you could join everyone has to be in by 15 I think have a good one will b back:yay:
I started a Fantasmo that was a freebie and started it in the Root Riot Cubes then moved it into a pot of plant magic soil supreme with some added perlite. It was too hot for it and frazzled it, then it hermied. This Fantasmo is loving life in this mix. Looks as though it could do with a little more Mg but it's doing nicely.


Had action in the cubes, so 24 hours in water and 24 hours in the cube and voila. 20160828_075946.jpg

Potted into final pots, remembering to add the PM Granules

I weighed out 20g,20160828_080917.jpg the recommended dose.

I put the pots under a T5 at the back which isn't on. This keeps them in a shadier place for the first few days or so. 20160828_083016.jpg I gave them all a little drop of water with the pipette after potting them. Later today or tomorrow I'll give the soil around the seedling a slight watering just to keep it moist.

So now it's almost 0900, time for a bong and a chill I think.:hookah:
PS: The new ones are the 1 x six shooter and the 3 x LSD 25. I put the Six Shooter in a 12L pot and one LSD in a 12L pot. The other 2 go in 6L pots reason being... This is all the soil I have, man!

So in all we have:
1 x Fantasmo Express
1 x Pineapple Express
5 x G14
3 x LSD 25
1 x Six Shooter
Gave the Fantasmo a very mild lollipopping this morning, cut away the weak lower branches so that the food energy goes to the better bud sites.

Was going to get a pic just now but lights went off at 0900 Just made the watering in time, then!

I fed with:
1.5ml/L PM Soil GROW hardwater
0.5ml/l Bio Nova PK 13-14
1ml/l MagneCal+
The G14s are only about 4 inches tall and are pre flowering! Surely this is way too early. Won't that mean I'm going to end up with bonsai sized plants?

It has white hairs, they all do, and large leaves but little branch growth.
Has anyone grown G14 before? What do you think?

I haven't even had a chance to do anything to these plants.