Indoor Fanboy Spring JeanO’s Run 2023

Soak, Germination and Solo Cups to day 14
  • Joined
    Sep 19, 2021
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    Howdy y’all :toke:
    Recently started my spring run and need to get started with my journal before I get too far behind.
    This run will be all JeanO’s products. I started out with the intention of running 2 seeds each of Grape Cheese and Root Beer Float. I wanted to run 1 in a 5gal grow bag and 1 in a 5gal GroBucket system and compare any differences.
    Had some germination issues I’ll detail here in a bit but I ended up with 1 Root Beer Float (RBF) in a 5gal GroBucket, 2 Grape Cheese(GC)- 1 in a 5gal GroBucket and 1 in a 5gal fabric grow bag.
    This will be a long first post to get up to speed . These are directly from my phone notes so it may seem like I’m rambling at times LOL (which I do a lot)
    Let’s get this party started :vibe:

    Soak, Germination & Solo Cup
    Pre-Soaked 2RBF & 2GC from 5/2/23 @ 1305 until 5/3/23 @ 0929 . Got busy yesterday evening and soaked longer than my usual 12 hours ( Roughly 20 hour soak)
    Filled solo cups with Happy Frog, Pro Mix mixture
    Pre soaked solo cups with water till runoff. Waited 5 minutes and pre soaked again till runoff with 1/8tsp Quillaja saponaria (QS) and water.
    Moved soaked solo cups to dry catch pan so they wouldn’t be sitting in runoff water. Covered with 9oz clear solo cup to retain moisture, set on top of 4gal Square bucket to raise towards grow light.

    Measured Lux @ 16.1klux 16,100 ? Too much for seedlings. Moved catch pan and solo cups to bottom of tent on black crates, 6” from floor of tent. FC-E3000 set to minimum on dial and 44” from solo cup domes. Inkbird set to 65%RH , ACI 4” set to 78F trigger and 70%RH trigger. Sealed tent and will recheck in 1 hour at 1100
    Notes; Used #2 pencil with sharpened tip to make hole, depth was amount sharpener removed from pencil body, conservatively 3/4” depth as measured with ruler. Took weights with both scales for reference and redundancy check when saturated.

    RBF #1 - seed did not sink, looked green in color. Wet weight 336/337g

    RBF #2 - Seed sunk when tapped. Wet weight 327g

    Grape Cheese #1 - Seed sunk on its own. Wet weight 321/322g

    Grape Cheese #2 - Seed sunk on its own. Wet weight 330/331g
    Here’s some photos of that process up to transplant day

    After 15minutes tent temperature 69f. Cranked light to 75% intensity to warm tent and will recheck in one hour @ 1117

    May need to add heat mat under catch pan if it won’t maintain steady 75+f.

    5/7/23 @11:47am

    GC#1 & RBF#2 both popped overnight. Nothing from other two yet. Soil may have been over watered from the start and removed domes on the two that haven’t popped and cranked light to 70% to raise heat and drop RH. Set RH control to 45% to let dry out. Set ACI Temp high limit to 78f. Will monitor.

    Will weigh all 4 cups soon to compare to plant date.

    My normal wet weight of solos is around 200g so if any problems arise then that’s what happened.

    5/8/23 GC2 gave a little help (removing soil from surface with soft brush) may have planted too deep. Can see “elbow”, covered with dome and monitored.

    RBF 1 still no show. Dig up and still whole seed. Cleaned, scuffed surface with emery board, re-Soaked for 6 hours and planted in same cup medium.

    Set temp to 77f, RH to 70-75% covered with dome.

    5/9/23 RBF2, GC1 removed domes for good. GC2 left on but day #1 popped soil. Looks healthy.

    5/10/23 GC1&2 , RBF1 all growing well. Day 3 for all 🤷‍♂️ easier to track but technically 1 day less for GC2

    Still nothing from RBF 1, dome off for now.


    GC#2 is really lacking in growth but will continue on and ride it out for now. Will wait a little longer to transplant it.

    5/15/23 Day #8

    All 3

    Cups around 180g. They don’t look very healthy and may be because I used more promix than happy frog but may be less happy frog.

    Going to start feeding Gold Leaf nutrients today and see how they do.

    Still nothing from RBF #1. It’s a dud and giving up on it.

    Mixed 2qt rainwater with 2ml GL, 1ml (used inside of lid remnants and dissolved in mixture bucket) 5-1-1 FF.

    1 pinch QS


    PH 6.8

    PPM 550

    EC 1.1

    GC1- 80ml 183g-263g

    RBF2- 80ml 179g-256g

    GC2- 80ml 186g- 263g

    Dialed Light down to 25%, hoping I didn’t over burn them with light. Will

    Monitor over next couple days and if need be I will drop tray back to floor level. Now reading 27.3kLux @ canopy.

    Dropped RH control from 75 to 65%.

    Not going to plant a 4th plant at this time due to 3 May fill this 2x4 more than needed.
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    Transplant Day
  • 5/20/23 Day # 14
    Transplant day for RBF & GC1
    Mixed 1gal rainwater with
    1tsp Gold Leaf
    1tsp Liquid Seaweed
    1tsp Tree Trunk
    1/8tsp Quillaja Saponaria

    PH 6.5
    PPM 700
    EC 1.4
    Gave each 1/2 gal from top to wet in
    From here on out all waterings will be from bottom.


    Monday 5/22/23 Day #16
    Transplanted GC #2 into 5gal GroBucket. Used straight happy frog with some calcium sand mixture from greenhouse. Added great white to hole before planting.
    @Greenleaf Nutrients
    Decided to use my free greenleaf nutrients on this one plant to get my feet wet with it.

    Hopefully I’m doing it right. Basically I’m just reading the back of both bags to get the dosage amounts weighed out on my scale in Grams.
    Mixed 1gal rainwater with
    5g mega crop and 5g sea kelp from greenleaf nutrients
    PH 6.4
    PPM 1070
    EC 2.2
    Gave 1/2 gal to top of new GroBucket. Added remaining to same reservoir



    Some night time action

    And today
    5/24/23 Day #18
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    Week 4
  • Howdy y’all !! :toke:

    Things seem to be going smoothly in the garden since the last update.
    Moved everything into a larger grow room and still trying to get everything set up perfectly. I’m playing around with growing white button mushrooms in another tent and trying to figure out a way to utilize the CO2 from them into the main grow tent :thumbsup:, hopefully it’ll work out ok lol. I’ll post more about that setup when I get it all figured out.
    Anyways as I said the JeanO’s girls are doing fabulous. Even the slacker GC 2 is starting to come around. After that one heavy feeding in the last update I started to see what appears to be dark green with a bluish hue to the leaves and figured I probably have too much N , so I went straight PH’d water for the next 2 feedings and they really have smoothed right out since. Back on normal once a week feed schedule and water as needed. I let the indicator stay down 48hrs on the GroBuckets and water the fabric pot by weight when lifted.
    Here’s some photos since the last update. In no particular order but thankfully most are date stamped.
    They’ve all been topped (GC2 I attempted to FIM) and recovered from that and starting to stretch out nicely.
    RBF and GC-1 are getting 10ml of Gold Leaf per gallon of water. GC-1 is fed from the bottom pan.
    GC-2 is getting 5grams of Mega Crop and Sea Kelp mixed per gallon of water.





    Tents staying right around 76-78f and 50% RH. I’ll try to check in next weekend with a more thorough entry !!
    Y’all have a great week !!
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    Week 5
  • Howdy y’all :toke:
    Week 5 day #35
    I was able to get in the grow room last night and get some organizing done !!
    It was a mess in there and still is but just a little “less mess” :rofl: I’m going to be mounting some shelves and wall cabinets to better organize everything, hopefully.

    They are growing very well and healthy so I didn’t go too heavy on the feed and mixed a little light on both nutrient lines. I don’t wanna create any issues by over feeding them either when everything’s going so well. I think I figured out why I’ve been getting so High an EC when mixing the Mega Crop and Sea Kelp dry ingredients. Let’s just say sometimes I’m my own worst enemy lol. In other words I’m an idiot sometimes :joy:

    RBF & GC1
    Mixed 2gal water with
    1/4tsp quillaja saponera extract powder
    10ml (1/2 recommended dose) Gold Leaf. Went light feed due to still dark green and healthy.
    PPM 400
    EC .8
    PH 6.3

    Mixed 1gal water with 3g each of the Greenleaf Nutrient line.
    PPM 660
    EC 1.3
    PH 6.4
    Temps staying between 75-78 , RH 50-55% and lights are 18/6 schedule.
    On the two GroBuckets systems I use a 12vdc pump with a small 12v battery to transfer the mixture into the bucket until it just barely starts running out of the overflow hole. Just have to stick the 3/4” hose down the fill tube and connect the battery negative. Makes it so much easier on me and much less chance of me making a mess lol.
    On the fabric pot I just pour 3-4” of the mixture into the runoff pan and then recheck before bed to make sure it’s not standing in water. Since going this route when watering normal pots or fabric, I haven’t seen the first gnat in probably 4-5 grows now.
    Now the good stuff

    Threw in a random photo from the casino I visit while waiting on momma to get done with her chemo nap :thumbsup:. Minimum bet in the high roller room on Dragon Link . It was one win of many and the best day I’ve had since they opened the doors lol.

    RBF is just a beauty to look at and very full and robust. GC1 in fabric is taking over the tent height wise and the GC2 is really starting to catch up and fill out some.

    Hope everyone has an amazing week and I’ll catch y’all next week. Thanks for hanging out with me on this journey of love and learning. I can’t tell y’all how much I have learned from watching your grows and reading your comments and posts.
    On a side note, as many know I can’t smoke due to my lung damage/issues. I gifted some of my last JeanO’s grow to a friend, who is a very experienced smoker and I got a message a couple nights ago that said
    “Whatever you’re doing, keep on doing it brother cause that was some absolute fire “ This has been the overall sentiment from whoever I have gifted with my flower but it’s always good to get some feedback on whether I’m doing a good job lol. :jointman:
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    Week 6
  • Howdy y’all :toke:
    Week 6 Day #42 if my math is “Mathing” !!
    Been a quiet week in the grow room with my 3 JeanO’s. Not much happening except they are all 3 turning turning out to be beasts :growing:
    We’ve had a slew of back to back thunderstorms and as you’ll see in a little bit how I’ve been struggling to keep humidity in check.

    RBF & GC1
    Mixed 2gal water with
    20ml Gold Leaf, 10ml Tree Trunk, 2tbsp molasses.
    PPM 930
    EC 1.9
    PH 6.1
    Fed both with 1gal each. RBF till dribble out the overflow hole and GC1 3” in pan, wait awhile and add rest. Takes about a gallon over a 2-3hr period but always want the pan dry before I go to bed.

    Mixed 1gal water with
    4g by weight each of the @Greenleaf Nutrients .
    1tbsp of molasses
    5ml Tree Trunk.
    PPM 790
    EC 1.6
    PH 6.2
    Filled the reservoir until dribbled our overflow.

    RBF and GC1 are both around 32.5” above soil, GC1 may have a 1/2” edge on RBF.
    GC2 is 29”. All are looking healthy and doing well.

    MH FC-E3000 light @75% & 12” roughly from canopy of tall plants.
    Vivosun light is 75% also and same height. Both at 18/6 on a digital timer, 11:30-5:30 lights out time. I’ve been considering moving the lights out time to the hottest part of the days. I’ve read of others doing this to keep heat down in the afternoon but haven’t actually tried it.

    Environmental Conditions
    Temp 62.9-81.8f, Average 73.9f
    RH 45-89% , Average- 63.2%

    Lights out humidity has been skyrocketing probably due to all the rainy weather we have had. Going to have my son bring up one of our dehumidifiers and start running it in the grow room to see if it helps stabilize overnight.
    Here’s a weekly overview of the ACI controller parameters

    Been cracking the tent to keep heat down and hopefully draw humidity out too. I’d like to start backing down the RH anyways so this will help some I’m sure.

    Here’s some random photos from the last week.
    Got one of my watering pump setup I talked about in my last post. :woohoo1:

    Threw in a couple more casino jackpots from this last week !!
    Lots of fun lately there !!! :jump:

    If you’ll look close to this photo you’ll see I was at $0.00 dollars. It was my lst spin and was one of those last chance “lightning spins”, I hit the 3 volcanos which gives ya 6 free spins and the tiki is wild and doubles as it goes across the pay lines.
    Was a very nice hit.

    A photo from one of the mushroom boxes I’m experimenting with, these are oyster mushroom kits from Walmart of all places . :joy: They are literally sitting on my windowsill in the grow room. So if this works out good I may have to switch to straight oyster mushrooms for ease of growth. I didn’t get the block saturated properly but know what I did wrong this round and can correct for a more even growth next time.

    And the girls :drool:


    11am this morning. Just crazy how much these girls are growing but with @Jean-O , you know you’re going to grow some big girls !!

    Right after feeding and watering this evening.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week. Hope all the dads had an amazing Father’s Day full of family and fun ! Mine was fantastic and couldn’t have asked for a better time with family.
    Catch y’all next week !!
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    Week 7
  • Howdy Y’all :toke:
    JeanO’s Spring Grow is coming along very nicely !
    Week 7 Day #51

    RBF & GC-1

    RBF 40” tall and just a healthy girl. Buds are starting to pop up . She’s a little behind on bud formation than the other 2 but a good 5-8” taller than they are.

    GC-1 is really starting to stack some there’s several areas with 12-14” of bud on bud formations. I think when this one fills out it’s really gonna be nice and full.

    Mixed 2gal water with
    20ml of Gold Leaf
    10ml Tree Trunk
    2tbsp molasses

    PH 6.3
    EC 1.8
    PPM 900
    Fed 1gal to each.

    Mixed 1gal water with
    6g Mega Crop
    4g Sea K
    5ml Tree Trunk
    1TBSP Molasses

    PH 6.8
    EC 1.5
    PPM 730
    GC-2 has really shined since the late start and slow growth in the beginning. Just turning into a beautiful plant !!

    Been a busy week with all sorts of things going on at the compound so I didn’t get many photos this week but as you’ll see the growth in the tent is just unbelievable.
    I love it when someone tries to tell me you can’t top autos, or autos are crap cause they don’t grow large or give big yields. They always ask how long since you flipped to flower? :rofl:
    All of these are just prime examples of what I expect from JeanO’s genetics.
    IYKYK :cheers:

    I had to remove all of my adjustable hangers and mount the lights directly to the cross bars with the smaller clips from the hangers. I might be able to get 3-4 more inches before the light is at the bars. The in tent camera was getting blocked by the height and had to reposition it.
    The tops of RBF started to show signs of bleaching out and I started bending them to the sides some. Then decided to just raise the light almost to the top.
    I did a little cleanup on the bottom of each plant, just to open it up for the air circulation and of course remove any little growth areas so they can concentrate the love up top.
    I haven’t done much of any defoliating this round. Just a couple leaves here and there.
    As some of you may remember from my previous grows I like to strip em down Nekkid a couple times but some of my normal “followers” thought I might have went a little overboard LOL. I’m being a little more conservative this time to see how it turns out.

    I cannot wait to see how big and fat these are going to get. Stay tuned for the magic

    A couple more very nice wins (notice I graduated to the high roller room) and of course the beauty shots of the girls. Threw in a nice cabbage that was in the greenhouse but moved it outside on the back porch. :thumbsup:

    I plan on making some Seabird Guano Tea this week for the girls. The directions say to bubble it for 48 hours so I’m going to get started on that process. I’ll probably give that to them only on the next watering schedule. Then back to feeding next Monday/Tuesday timeframe. They were thirsty so I need to kick up my visits to the tent some. I like em “thick like oatmeal” so gotta give them some love lol.

    Catch y’all next week and hope you have a fantastic week ahead !!
    Thanks for hanging with me on this journey of love and learning
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    Week 8
  • Howdy y’all :toke:

    It’s week 8, specifically Day #58

    The JeanO’s girls are still doing great and starting to fill in some. Over the last week I’ve had some minor yellowing mid plant to bottom and have just selectively started removing the yellowing fan leaves as they appear. I have some very minor tip burn so I’m ASSuming that I’m over feeding .
    I’ll back off some this week and see how it looks next Wednesday.

    One thing I have noticed that just sorta slipped my mind is I haven’t been following the VPD chart at all this grow and I’m not sure why that is, probably just everything else going on and old age :rofl:

    When I started noticing the yellowing leaves I then started going through everything and looking for mistakes. Surprisingly my previous worries about high humidity may have been premature. Anyways it comes down to my humidity was really low since the changes I made and I’ve made adjustments to the Inkbird controller to stay as close to optimal VPD as possible. I have to make a minor adjustment before bed to account for the lower lights-out temps.
    We will see how that goes also.
    I did give them all a dose of Seabird Guano , last week after steeping it for 48 hours. I’ve also added another pole fan to the lower section of the tent. My ACI fan is acting up again and not oscillating. I’m think I’m done trying their pole mount fans, have had nothing but trouble with those since the pre-release versions. Have had no issues with their inline fans though.
    Anyways I’ve rambled enough and I’ll leave y’all with some nice photos of the girls since the last update.

    Hope everyone had an amazing Independence Day full of fun and family !!

    Have a wonderful week, I’ll catch y’all next Wednesday or so.
    Week 9
  • Howdy y’all :toke:
    The girls are coming along nicely.
    If my math is right, it’s week 9, Day #63
    I fed them on Friday of last week;
    Mixed 1gal water with
    6g mega crop
    4g Sea Kelp
    1/4tsp Quillaja Saponaria
    PH 7.7 set to 6.5
    PPM 750
    EC 1.5
    Gave entire gallon to GC2 GroBucket reservoir

    GC1 & RBF
    Mixed 2gal water with
    20ml Gold Leaf
    1/2tsp Quillaja Saponeria
    PH 5.7 set to 6.6
    EC 2.4
    PPM 1210
    Gave 1gal to each
    On Monday’s watering, instead of the mainline nutrients I wanted to try some other things.
    I mixed 3 gal of water with;
    1. 1 1/2tsp Cytoplus
    2. 1/2tsp (about 3ml) Humboldt Secret Enzyme formula
    3. 6tbsp Blackstrap Molasses.
    PH 7.8 , set to 6.6
    EC 1.1
    PPM 560
    Gave each GroBucket till runoff and 3” in catch pan of gc1
    Tomorrow evening I’ll probably do something similar but with Epsom salts, a little tree trunk and Quillaja Saponaria and going to probably water from the top this one time, only because I noticed a funky smell the last time I pulled the water level indicator. I have wondered about using a hydroguard additive in these but haven’t tried it yet. I’ve only used it for my DWC grows so not sure if anyone else uses hydroguard for soil grows ?
    Anyways things are going great. The yellowing seems to have stopped or slowed a lot. I’ll continue to feed the nutrients once a week and see how things go from there.
    Here’s some random photos of the girls from the last week or so.

    I think the grape cheeses are going to produce much more than the RBF. They are really filling in and starting to swell up.

    On a side note, my better half has one more chemo treatment to go. Things have been extremely tough these last two treatments and have had her wanting to give up and not do the last one. It’s an extremely rough thing for her to go through and rough on us trying to support her and witness it daily.
    We’ll go for a fluids infusion tomorrow morning and hopefully that will carry her through until next Thursday for the final treatment. Thanks for any prayers or positive thoughts/vibes you can send our way.
    As always thanks for hanging with me on this journey of love and learning.
    Week 11
  • Howdy y’all :toke:
    The JeanO’s girls are getting thick like peanut buttah
    I missed a update for week 10 but life has a way of doing that LOL
    I’ve been keeping the feeds light and trying to stay around 1.3 EC , I’ve also been able to stay closer to VPD parameters. I haven’t even checked with a scope yet and probably will grab some scope photos tonight but with JeanO’s I usually see them go past 90 days daily but just to be safe I’ll grab some scope shots tonight. The yellowing has slowed down, I’ve trimmed most of that off and they are stacking and starting to swell.
    Lights on I’m around 83f and 67-68% RH, lights out is around 71f and 55% RH.
    Last night I went with 3gal water mixed with
    3tsp Pro-Silcate
    6ml Hydroguard
    3tbsp molasses
    PH 9.1 set to 6.5
    EC 1.3
    PPM 640
    Gave each one gallon.
    I’ll feed Saturday with the regular nutrient lines . I did notice that GC 1 (in the grow bag) has started leaning from the weight but it appears the root structure is shallow and not very defined. I’m gonna be extra careful with it and not sure why such a noticeable difference between the 3 plants. I’ll probably end up adding some support to it. The stalk on the GC 2 and RBF are both very thick and tree-trunk like so not sure where the problem lies. Not even sure if you are supposed to equate stalk size to root development but seems to make sense.
    RBF is getting that purple fade and is really beautiful. Not sure how the yield will compare to the others as the GC’s both have long colas and the RBF seems to be spaces out and more like baseball clumps, if that makes sense?
    Either way the GroBuckets seem to be winning in the stalk thickness and root ball category.
    Added one of my buddies slaps to the tent. He’s starting to really make a place in the industry and on the social media platforms.
    I’ve got a hankering to run a photo run next with some of Ed Rosenthal’s beans and probably some of my buddies that I mentioned. I will be adding a small aeration stone to the bottom of my GroBuckets and will see how that does for me. Stay tuned for that!
    Here’s some photos for your enjoyment.
    As always thanks for hanging with me on this journey of love and knowledge.

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    Microscope Photos
  • Howdy y’all :toke:
    Week 11 from sprout, Day #81
    Went ahead and got scope shots of all 3 of my JeanO’s girls.
    Looks like Root Beer Float will need to be harvested probably this evening or tomorrow, depending on my schedule.
    The two Grape Cheese may have another week or so. From looking at JeanO’s site that falls right in the range of what he expects out of both of them.
    Root Beer Float
    This is my first grow of JeanO’s RBF, it has been a strong grower from the start. It’s really a low-maintenance plant and I’ll definitely give these another try with some different techniques.
    The bud spacing is spread out more than the two GC plants, more like a golf ball size or bigger (2-3”) , but there’s a lot of them. The buds are very solid.
    Overall it will give a nice yield, I’ll update both wet and dry later.
    The smell is just an amazing mix of Lemon/citrus. The leaves are fading into a dark purple color and I’m sure it’ll cure up nice and dark. It was topped so only has 2 main colas, it most likely would produce more with a FIM process and LST.
    Started with a water soak and placed into solo cup. Transplanted with great white on day #14 and topped on day #17.
    Grown in a 5gal GroBucket system, with a mixture of Happy Frog and Organic Pro-Mix (yellow bag). Added some calcium sand to the mixture
    She was fed Gold Leaf nutrients throughout the grow and of course supplemented as outlined in this journal at various times .
    She’s right at 40” from the top of the soil. Main stalk size was 1 1/4” across.

    Grape Cheese #1
    This is my first grape cheese run also and like all the other JeanO’s I have grown, they exceeded my expectations and will definitely be on my list of favorites to grow again.
    She was started with a water soak and placed in a solo cup. Transplanted on day #14 with great white and topped on day #17. She was grown in a 5gal fabric bag and almost entirely watered/fed from the bottom pan.
    She’s 36” exactly from the soil and the colas are 1-2” across and 8-12” long. Had 2 main colas and would produce more if FIM process was used, as you’ll see on her sister below.
    She was fed Gold Leaf Nutrients and supplemented as noted in this journal above at various times.
    She has a strong/sweet grape smell and is very sticky and resinous.
    This one didn’t grow a very thick stalk and as noted in the journal somehow the root system didn’t develop very deep, as she started to lean on me as it became top heavy. The main stalk is right at 5/8” across. As you will be able to see in GC#2 this wasn’t a normal occurrence and I’m sure it was something I did/didn’t do that caused this. Probably another 7-10 days on this one. Will update wet/dry weights upon harvest/cure.
    Overall extremely happy with this grow and will grow these again soon.

    Grape Cheese #2
    This girl started out slower than her sisters but eventually exploded in growth and just turned out amazing.
    started with a water soak and straight into a solo cup. Transplanted on day #16 into an 5gal GroBucket system and FIM’d on day #25.
    She was fed @Greenleaf Nutrients Mega Crop(9-7-14) and Sea-K(0-0-18), supplemented as noted in this journal at various times, just to keep everything consistent between the two plants with different nutrient lines.
    She’s 38 1/2” tall, had 3 main colas from the FIM process and if I was more careful may be able to get more. The main stalk is right at 1” across. Like her sister she has very long and full colas 1-3” across and 8-14” long. This one really is going to yield a nice amount. She also has the same sweet grape smell. Very sticky and solid buds. Can’t emphasize enough how much I love @Jean-O creations and will grow these again. I think the Greenleaf Nutrients added a little something to this one that helped boost her above and beyond her sister.
    Probably another 7-10 days on this one. Will update wet and dry weights upon harvest/cure.

    As always thanks for hanging out with me on this journey