Live Stoner Chat Fairly New Vs Atulip

Thank you for the nice and touching comment bro. You are a class act ATrain simple as that salt of the earth kind of person. I went through a rough patch and Atrain was there for me I will never forget that favor you did bro ever
Good stuff going on in here. Glad to see you two squaring off I look up to both of you more than you know. Before long I'll be using the feeds and nutes that @Fairlynew has taught me from the beginning and I'll be using the custom lights made by myself that @Atulip has helped me understand and design so my whole growing style centers around the knowledge I have gained from you two.

Good luck to you both

Copy that, I've utilized both as well, GL to both!
RH here maintained at a constant 50-55%. We're hitting the really hot summer days where I'm at, 85°F all day, 80°F at night, and I'm currently on 20/4 with 4 hours off during the peak heat in the middle of the day. Will go back to 24/0 when the heat dies down a bit. Another month or so.

Planted two in case I kill one(I'm pretty neglectful), or in case the fungus gnats(still battling them) kill one. Or in the rare case I got a doofy seedling. Going with 7 gallons because it's the biggest pot I had, don't normally try to grow very big plants myself, so this is pretty exciting for me. :D
RH here maintained at a constant 50-55%. We're hitting the really hot summer days where I'm at, 85°F all day, 80°F at night, and I'm currently on 20/4 with 4 hours off during the peak heat in the middle of the day. Will go back to 24/0 when the heat dies down a bit. Another month or so.

Planted two in case I kill one(I'm pretty neglectful), or in case the fungus gnats(still battling them) kill one. Or in the rare case I got a doofy seedling. Going with 7 gallons because it's the biggest pot I had, don't normally try to grow very big plants myself, so this is pretty exciting for me. :D

Now now Atulip, it's hot here too I'm battling the same issues, tent is at 80-82 all the time. Bigger pot doesn't necessarily mean bigger plant for autos. I've tried that and basically it's just wasted soil that the roots never get to, I will say this though. It's all about how much you water and how often. I'm ready for the fun to begin here. :pass:
@A-Train Yeah the coots mix at 1.5x strength is what my giant 3.5 foot skylar white was in, it's a great mix and hasn't let me down yet (when I mix it properly). Just in a 3 gallon pot, but I don't think that can be duplicated. Bottom half for this grow is the Autoflower Supersoil mix sold by Mephisto, got a few others trying it out as well. I'm lazy so I like my water only grows. :smoking:

@Autonugs No such thing as wasted dirt, just leftover nutrient rich soil for the recycling. I'm gonna keep refilling this perlite reservoir with tap water and let her stay moist the whole grow. She just stays wet for me. :biggrin:

All my mephisto ladies fill up the 3 gallon fabric pots though, and the ~4gallon diy pots I had before, so a 7gallon smart pot isn't a huge jump up, hopefully she'll utilize all of it.

The seedlings love the rootmakers, fine roots throughout. Man that is some albino looking hands, maybe a tad overexposed.(or I need more sun)
rootporn 726 skylar.jpg
With the heat like this i just fire the AC to it I wrap pink insulation around the intake hose and also around the hot hose expelling the ac heat outside. It is a indoor 5000 btu that and i stick right at the sweet spot 80 degrees that helps with water absorption when using soil less mix pro mix HP high porosity no perlite in to retain water man you can put the food to that grow medium if you want to really push it put a couple of cupfuls of perlite in the pro mix HP in a five gallon container man she drinks quick then lol but you will be watering twice ina 24 hour period with what i mentioned when in full bud stage
Woot get this show on the road. Been dyeing to see these beans getting grown out as I have em scheduled into my next run !!

I have jumped from 16l to 30l pots for my current run and am definitely seeing a difference !!

Good luck guys

I will be taking notes.
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Here is few pictures
I have it Under this light until Tuesday night then I will be sticking it under my new TASTY T4 2100 series led COB grow light with the latest cree chips on board and meanwell drivers it will be its main light along with a toof decay maybe two toof decay since the light is three feet long will see
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