failed attempt

What is C.S? Very confused on what is going on in this thread heh. Whats the issue =/

Colloidal Silver...he is reversing a plant to use for producing fem seeds.
Colloidal Silver...he is reversing a plant to use for producing fem seeds.

Yeah, I should of looked a bit more before asking that question. I just read a bit about it. Not sure why he is calling it a fail though. Is he not able to collect the pollen?
The goal is for a complete reversal and he only got a partial reversal. The flowers may produce pollen but it is always best for the genetics of the offspring to completely reverse the "father"
Thanks :) I understand some what now.
The goal is for a complete reversal and he only got a partial reversal. The flowers may produce pollen but it is always best for the genetics of the offspring to completely reverse the "father"

I called it a failed attempt because I didn`t know any better lol
It wasn`t untll had a closer look that I noticed a few balls on top.

I am unsure if it will still pollenate itself, or do I need to collect it and use on another????????????????
I called it a failed attempt because I didn`t know any better lol
It wasn`t untll had a closer look that I noticed a few balls on top.

I am unsure if it will still pollenate itself, or do I need to collect it and use on another????????????????

Thats why I was wondering why it was a fail :P After reading about the process, saw your pictures and saw the balls up there ^^

I am by far no expert at all at this at all. So I will tread lightly heh..

I think you can collect the sacks then use those sacks to fertilize other females. And you will get female seeds.

Again, hope some one with better know how can chime in. But that's what I gathered from reading so far. I hope one day to be doing what you are :) Good luck!
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sauce im sorry but the link you posted has been changed , the one you gave , well i wont even say it , but the c.s. portion right at the start they say "for whatever reason"

they dont even know why c.s. creates a reversed male

please refrain from posting such outside links when we have all the needed info on this very site

thanx and peace
I called it a failed attempt because I didn`t know any better lol
It wasn`t untll had a closer look that I noticed a few balls on top.

I am unsure if it will still pollenate itself, or do I need to collect it and use on another????????????????

Do not let it pollenate itself. If it does do not use the seeds. Use the pollen on another female.
The juicer. Eat it raw and fresh..Has medicinal and nutritional benefits when eaten fresh. I’ve also herd of people getting "high" of fresh un dried cannabis. Just dont count on it. It is benafitial to your body though..The the CS is good for you(once in a while/ or when sick). If not smoked..and apparently heated.