Indoor f6 does 4 indoor, 1m x 1m, 860w CMH, Hybrid Hydro (:


Doin the do, haircut and training in play..


OG hood now has extraction baby!


Girls folded over and spread!

Looking good looking very good, man that set up is hella smick! I dunno what it is, but it looks professional.
Have you grown 4 photos in that tent before? Mines the same size and tossing up between 4 plants in 10lt pots or 2 in 20lt pots, In soil.
How long are you vegging for?
My mate just finished up some SLH said it's the most tasteful bud his had to date, hope yours is the same man!
@The Plant Whisperer I do soil, I don't ph anything or add anything, just chuck some soil in a pot and put the seedling in, and feed Bunnings nutes, and I can tell you some of my better grows look better then coco/hydro grown buds, each to their own thou..
Looking good looking very good, man that set up is hella smick! I dunno what it is, but it looks professional.
Have you grown 4 photos in that tent before? Mines the same size and tossing up between 4 plants in 10lt pots or 2 in 20lt pots, In soil.
How long are you vegging for?
My mate just finished up some SLH said it's the most tasteful bud his had to date, hope yours is the same man!
@The Plant Whisperer I do soil, I don't ph anything or add anything, just chuck some soil in a pot and put the seedling in, and feed Bunnings nutes, and I can tell you some of my better grows look better then coco/hydro grown buds, each to their own thou..
the day dirt out does my hydro setups ill eat a peanut butter and dirt sandwich.
Looking good looking very good, man that set up is hella smick! I dunno what it is, but it looks professional.
Have you grown 4 photos in that tent before? Mines the same size and tossing up between 4 plants in 10lt pots or 2 in 20lt pots, In soil.
How long are you vegging for?
My mate just finished up some SLH said it's the most tasteful bud his had to date, hope yours is the same man!
@The Plant Whisperer I do soil, I don't ph anything or add anything, just chuck some soil in a pot and put the seedling in, and feed Bunnings nutes, and I can tell you some of my better grows look better then coco/hydro grown buds, each to their own thou..

I used to grow from cuttings in those green garden sieves with clay balls back in the day with a similar constant feed system under 1000w hps and day in day out 0.8g per watt

All my nutes now are 'organic' based and with the cmh (when I get it running or upgrade to the native 630w cmh) I'm aiming to break 1g per watt and beyond lol

@The Plant Whisperer knows what I'm on about ;)

Taking forever... had to cut...



Will redo their training, hmmm

Liek mah roots?


Just alternate food or drain atm, will have the automation running next time.


Very close to the chop.. well at least a few of teh girlzzz!

Stripey bud porn, promise I will get better at pics!

