Indoor Eye Likes Pot

Jack Herer regular is the most potent strain I have ever tried I would pull over and have naps when driving. It is the only weed ever to do that to me. Yours is looking strong and will reward you with some of the best weed you have smoked IMO
Miss jack looks great, nice job.

Jack Herer regular is the most potent strain I have ever tried I would pull over and have naps when driving. It is the only weed ever to do that to me. Yours is looking strong and will reward you with some of the best weed you have smoked IMO
Thank you!!! All of your kind words are appreciated!! I'm getting excited!
Evening, u need more :coffee2:?

You got a outta control girl in that tent! I just reread the first part of your journal to find out whos Jack herer seed it was. It was such a cute little baby. Lol yes im :baked: