@Habitual !!

The first one I grew was a "small" one! What did you think of the high?
Hiiii! Yeah she is not small.. as I start to unzip my tent, branches and leaves just start popping out... Aaaand closing it back up is ridiculous. I really hope their leaves don't get hit too hard while waiting for more space! Everything is smashed up against the sides right now...
So here's what I have on the way...
View attachment 687082
View attachment 687083
View attachment 687084

Here they are today. Day 36.
View attachment 687086
Awesome! That's a beautiful bud! :smoking:
In other news, my Stardawg is not happy at all today. I've been watering every few hours, but wasn't able to for a while today. She now has spots that resemble JH's! I have no idea if the drying out is related.
View attachment 687090
JH was fine, so she probably will be too.