I know they look a little rough. I've put them through a lot the past few days, but it looks like they've started absorbing the nutrients from 2 nights ago. Also, I really wanted to spray them with the OFOG to induce transpiration this afternoon, but held off to make sure they were doing it on their own. If you look at the picture from this afternoon and compare to now, the leaves are lifting. On their own...
I'm excited!!!
Thru all of it tho they just kept growing. A time lapse in your tent would be insane :smoking: In a good way of course!! MJ is very resilient! When you got the Eye you're all good! See what I did there?

THANKYOU!!!!! I might end up with some Christmas trees after all!
Nope... Better... Christmas BUSHES!! you'll be deckin' your bowl with jingles in your bells!! Sugar style...