Indoor Eye Likes Pot


Stark Raving Sane
May 22, 2016
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This morning I officially have a seedling! Hooray! This is pretty much my first grow so I'm excited . I "accidentally" grew a plant 4 years ago. Was all baked and found a random seed on the floor and there just so happened to be a Dixie cup of soil within arm's reach (one of those sweet yet sad dying mother's day gifts they send the wee ones home with from school) so I popped it in the cup and forgot about it. Came back a few days later and it had sprouted. It was destined to fail but I did try for a few months and learned a lot. The darn thing hermied on me. Anyway.... this time I'm trying to actually do it "right".

I soaked an automatic jack herer seed in a cup of RO water for about 2 hours on Thursday afternoon then planted her directly in her final 20 gallon smart pot to germ. I know 20 gallons is way over kill, but I think I'm probably one of those over water people so this will help me and I'll definitely not need to transplant . She popped her head up yesterday morning and today her cotyledons are unfolding, so that makes her a seedling yes?

So we've got the 20 gallon smart pot. FF Bush Doctor Coco Loco mixed with an additional 50 oz of coco coir and an additional 8 oz of organic perlite. Tent is 32x32x63 and I've currently got her under 1-ViparSpectra Reflector-Series 300W LED and 2- 24 watt 4 band led grow lights. Lights are running 24/0. Temp is 77 Fahrenheit and humidity is at 68 percent.

Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?
Popped her head up yesterday morning
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Sounds like you're on your way ... elsewhere you asked about some fancy nutes ... I would suggest either the AN ph Perfect line; Grow and Bloom only or Bio Bizz; Grow and Bloom only ... KISS works great for new growers ... a Jack in a 20 gal pot can become a 6' tall monster ... read up on LST and super cropping if your plant does well you'll be glad you did ... The plant in my signature was grown by a friend using only Bio Bizz grow and a Jack can get to be twice that size easily ...

Sounds like you're on your way ... elsewhere you asked about some fancy nutes ... I would suggest either the AN ph Perfect line; Grow and Bloom only or Bio Bizz; Grow and Bloom only ... KISS works great for new growers ... a Jack in a 20 gal pot can become a 6' tall monster ... read up on LST and super cropping if your plant does well you'll be glad you did ... The plant in my signature was grown by a friend using only Bio Bizz grow and a Jack can get to be twice that size easily ...
Thanks for the advice! I started looking a little this morning but have to admit I'm a little intimidated by the lst and super cropping. About when do you recommend starting lst with an autoflower plant?
I start mine between 10 and 14 days ... by having a journal here you'll get plenty of advice ... LST depends on the plant ... my friends plant in my signature got no LST at all ... still had a great structure ...
So I noticed about 24 hours ago that her first set of leaves were coming in. It looked like she had fangs and was kind of adorable. Her cotyledons looked a little droopy but I'm not sure if that is normal or not normal or even a sign that there may be a problem. I haven't fed her anything but because my pot is so big have been giving her a small spritz in a circle around her stem. The pot itself is pretty obviously drying out since the bottom is barely damp at this point and the medium had pulled away from the sides. But she's tiny so I've been just giving her a little right around where she is. .... And that soil does not seem over or under saturated to me (but I admittedly know very little about this). I decided I was over thinking it and I should let her just do her thing for a bit. It's beg about 12 hours since I checked on her and her leaves are coming in, but her cotyledons have started to curl under? Here is a pic from 12 hours ago and one from now. Rather than panic and do something to make it worse, I've decided to enlist the help of all the fabulous people here. Does she look ok? Does she need water? Should I have not watered her?
Day 2
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After thinking about it for a bit, I decided to give her some water. If she was getting too much water I can only assume that not having any for over 12 hours would have improved her condition. However she seemed less happy and the container she is in seemed dry to me over all.