Photoperiod Extreme ( for me.. ) Plant Training - A Mainlining Grow


Well, she not only survived, she took it all and kept going. I let her grow to 5 nodes instead of 4, so the I could use the branch tips for clones. I was concerned that maybe the Megacrop solution might be too strong for a plant taking this abuse, but no! She handled it fine. She's getting 500 ppms at PH 6.5. so now I have 8 tops.

I let her grow to 5 nodes, topped to the third node, and stripped off the second node. Should I go for 16 colas or stick with 8?

View attachment 1043931
Looking good.
In for a penny in for a pound I say :)

Well, she not only survived, she took it all and kept going. I let her grow to 5 nodes instead of 4, so the I could use the branch tips for clones. I was concerned that maybe the Megacrop solution might be too strong for a plant taking this abuse, but no! She handled it fine. She's getting 500 ppms at PH 6.5. so now I have 8 tops.

I let her grow to 5 nodes, topped to the third node, and stripped off the second node. Should I go for 16 colas or stick with 8?

View attachment 1043931

Looking good and she is doing stellar for all the work you are doing on her, I find mine seem to often enjoy a bit of :naughtystep:if they are treated well in all other regards. I don't always do it, but I add B vitamin to the mix in times of stress, not sure if it helps. Are you using 500 or 700 scale ppm btw?

Also, if I got it right (not sure I do) if you grow 8 colas you will have bigger ones, if you top again for 16 they will be smaller?
Personal preference there, if you want more, smaller buds (but still more than great size) or less, bigger ones.
You'll get shorter colas if what I understand is correct. And that's what I'm looking for. I want to see if you can keep the plant to under 2ft tall including the pot.

Looking good and she is doing stellar for all the work you are doing on her, I find mine seem to often enjoy a bit of :naughtystep:if they are treated well in all other regards. I don't always do it, but I add B vitamin to the mix in times of stress, not sure if it helps. Are you using 500 or 700 scale ppm btw?

Also, if I got it right (not sure I do) if you grow 8 colas you will have bigger ones, if you top again for 16 they will be smaller?
Personal preference there, if you want more, smaller buds (but still more than great size) or less, bigger ones.
You'll get shorter colas if what I understand is correct. And that's what I'm looking for. I want to see if you can keep the plant to under 2ft tall including the pot.

Oops yes, that too. My last photo kush was very short because there was no room to get her in the flowering tent, so I kept topping her. She was a very dense, very short, bushy plant.

I decided 8 colas was enough, esp. for a first attempt at this. I defoliated her a bit and moved her to the 12/12 tent. Maybe a bit soon but I wanted to see how she develops at this size. I also upped the MC 2 to 600 ppms for her and her sister. Both have responded well. First plants I've grown that are truly nute hogs lol! But now her color is what I think it should be and there has benn no sigh of nute burn or toxicity.

She's beginning to flower also. This pic was taken 3 days ago. I'll get another pic later today, got to get out and work on my raised beds and get my veggies going!

mainlined SBR pic1 -5-5-2019.jpg