Indoor Expert Seeds Blueberry Glue


I try to grow things
Cultivators Club
Jul 12, 2021
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Day 01

Started my indoor grow with a trio of expert seeds blueberry glue. Planted a seed outside earlier this summer and it ended up being a male...if any more are male, no biggie as I make the transition from outdoor growing to indoor.

DIY set up in my workshop. ikea shelf, Mylar blankets & trashbags with a viparspectra p1000 light. If I notice anything is lacking, I’ll by a tent-really want to see how things work with the DIY set up. Have a heater in the workshop to maintain temp.

will grow one in a 5 gallon SIP, one in a cup, and I’m 3D printing a small SIP that I’m curious about trying. Not concerned with yield-just curious to try things with the same seeds!

2 broke ground while I wait on the third. waiting a week or so to put them in the tent.
Day 01 part 02

SIP is done printing and is now in use!

kinda awesome. might get addicted to small scale grows
of all kinds. Already making sips out of 2 liter bottles for some jasmine I want to bring inside during winter.
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Day 05

All three are in their forever homes in the tent.


solo sip just with a larger pot for water and stability, then the 3D printed fancy sip.


tiny plant in a big bucket!!
third seed in a 5 gallon sip.

Off to the races at 18/6!!!
Day 12

solo cup is having some issues, likely with water+ but otherwise the other two are chugging.


Day 19

chugging along but all have some weirdness in the leaves.

Just topped the 5gallon sip grow.

solo cup is culled due to advanced w eirdness.

3d printed sip is likely overwatered. Will cut back on filling the res on that one until it grows more.

Looking ok, might be a bit over watered. Maybe give them a chance to dry out an extra cycle before watering again. Good luck
Looking ok, might be a bit over watered. Maybe give them a chance to dry out an extra cycle before watering again. Good luck
Yeah the small sip is off For sure. Havent filled it in a while.
Day 26

culled the solo. Leaves curled and it didn’t grow.

funky genetics & too much water in the small sip. will adjust and not fill the res until its a bit bigger.

5 gallon sip is topped and has lst clips.

Day 32

Printed sip has roots filling the res. there’s only a bit of water in there, and there’s some new growth-hoping the adjustments work.

5 gallon sip is chugging. Topped and adding LST clips as it grows.


Day 40

wow! exploded with growth! Loving the 5 gallon bucket sip! My smaller sip has been neglected in order to dry it out. Res and dirt were dry and I added a bit of water today After trimming roots. Focus on the bucket sip! yoooooo!
