Evol Seeds RAD Test Grow, test grow :)

Oh no! That sucks but mistakes happen. Now we know that RAD can not be accidentally dropped and killed or it will die. Thats why we do these tests lol.

Pm me if you need a second chance. Ill hook it up
My internet is off, but am at the library for a minute. I found the seed and it didn't pop, so I have it in a paper towel and now there are two.

I'm flying by the seat of my pants. Have two more RAD seeds in my fridge
The seed cracked in the paper towel and I put it in soil, can see it pushing out now. It still has the shell on it. Can't get a pic that shows anything

I'm looking forward to this. My closet is a pot smokers dream :)
I quit drugs a long time ago and obsessed with weed and food. I became a foodie and now my closet has Delicious, Cheese and blueberry. Kinda sounds like the best of both worlds :)
So you got 2 out of 2 to germ but dropped one and killed it and are trying 2 more, correct?
So you got 2 out of 2 to germ but dropped one and killed it and are trying 2 more, correct?
One popped, one is still i9n soil. The one that fell never popped, probably stressed it or something, and I have one seed in the fridge
About a half inch tall and the shell fell off. It was emerald green inside. Looking good so far.
Yay! When do we get to see some baby pics?
The next time my photographer has a fight with her boyfriend

Any minute :)