@ikewhere is the recipie for this tincture plz ?
The 4th post of this thread has one approach
[URL="https://www.autoflower.org/threads/everclear-tinctures.46784/#post-878574"]Everclear tinctures[/URL]
@ikewhere is the recipie for this tincture plz ?
where is the recipie for this tincture plz ?
i was so intrested in reading all this that i forgot it was on your first post..Copied from page 2 ...this is the recipe I use
Green Dragon Tincture https://www.autoflower.org/index.php?threads/green-dragon-becareful.14737/
The only difference I do to that recipe is decarb at 250 for 20 minutes. It works amazing...but like the title says be careful. This stuff is obscenely potent.
!51 is all I used for the first couple of years I was making GDT, and it works just fine with the same cook time as the 190 proof. Now that I think about it, I could not tell much difference at all in potency. So, I would say go for it, and make it just how you have been with the 190.
Hope this helps my friend,
The higher proof won't hold more THC but it will extract more. It is just being used in place of an industrial solvent. Regardless, I am with Stick, I don't think there would be noticeable differences. Probably measurable but who has a liquid chromatography system sitting around, lol.
As for the cooking, not sure if you are referring to the decarb or boiling off the alcohol. The longer you boil off the alcohol the more intense the tincture but it is pretty simple to do a rough guesstimate on what you will have. If you weigh out your flowers, and have an estimate of the potency from the vendor, take for example DP Skunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is 8.1% THC. Say you have 20 grams of Skunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] flowers at 8.1% then effectively you have the possibility of extracting 20 * .081 = 1.62 grams of pure THC under absolute optimal conditions(which isn't obtainable by the way). Then say you used 1 liter(1000ml) of solution and reduced it by boiling down to 100ml. That would give you 1.62 grams in 100 ml of liquid. Since 1 liter of liquid weighs 1kg at room temperature we know that 100ml would weigh 100 grams. So your 100 ml solution would be ~ 1.62% THC for every ml of liquid. Let's say you boiled it down to 10ml then you would have 16.2% THC for every ml of liquid. If you split the baby at 50 ml you would have 8.1% THC. So, the longer your reducing, the higher the potency. One word on that, as the liquid evaporates, the temperature rises so you will have to reduce you temps as you go or you will end up boiling off some of the THC. Keep an infrared temperature gun handy and continually shoot it into the liquid. They are cheap at one of the big box stores and worth their weight in gold for checking temps in an oven for decarb or boiling pot for reducing.
As for the percentages, it would then be pretty easy to figure your tolerance level and compare what you drink in tincture to what you smoke. Simply take the weight of your normal bowl of flower. Say it is 1 gram and you normally cash it out by yourself. Using the same numbers of 8.1% THC then you would be smoking approximately .081 grams of pure THC. Comparing that to the 50 ml tincture, 50ml = 50 grams at 8.1% THC = 50 * .081 = 4.05 grams THC per 50ml. It is pretty easy to see that every ml of liquid would equal 1 bowl. Granted those are all optimal conditions which I know no one will be able to achieve but it gives a good starting point to know where to dose at. Couple that with the fact that stomach absorption isn't going to be able the same as smoking. That should put it safely within the "I am glad I didn't take any more" area, lol. Regardless, you can see how someone could get seriously fucked up. 1ml doesn't look like much in a dosing dropper but it compares to one bowl of reefer. Not trying to scare anyone away but more information is always better when experimenting because it can be some potent material and there ain't much coming down when you drink it for some reason. I have noticed the high lasts so much longer and just continues to intensify as the hours go on.
Hope that helps and maybe helps some others that want to approximate the potency of tincture.
A-menThe progression of many is truly great. I know many, many people are seeing the benefits of canna, and the harm that pharmas are causing. If only there was a way we could keep the plants in the hands of those who actually need it, and not the greedy commercial growers and their $400 an ounce herb.