Everclear tinctures

Royal queen seeds medical mass and euphoria worked well for pain for me. Spine and neck pain. Cbd critical Cure by barneys is also very good and that stuff is hard to get any noticeable change in state of mental awareness but is good at dealing with pain. The medical mass has a warm pleasant head high that is very clear and energetic and works great for my back . And the Euphoria I have had energy and clarity from .

Hey...thanks for the strain suggestions. Could you describe your neck/spine injury and intensity of pain? If you would rather do it via pm no prob.

I have a C5/C6 and C6/C7 ruptured discs with major nerve damage.
Especially knowing its natural, not the chemical poison's that doctors often prescribe.
It's sad how much they believe they do no harm and yet prescribe liver toxic pharma drugs all day. With my gram they wouldn't listen to me when she was in good health still but had pain along with copd. So the doctor put her on vikodin like 7.5mg 5 times a day. She stopped eating lost 40 lbs a few years go by and now she's in a hospice home. They immediately on her first day began anti anxiety meds mixed with her vikodin and added oxycontin... so pheizer makes out like a bandit. So now that there isn't much time left my family is beginning to try and introduce her to cannabis. It's sort of a last ditch thing but they are pussy footing around it still. All I hope is they get serious enough so I can offer her some relief in her dying days .
Hey...thanks for the strain suggestions. Could you describe your neck/spine injury and intensity of pain? If you would rather do it via pm no prob.

I have a C5/C6 and C6/C7 ruptured discs with major nerve damage.
Mid thoracic spine and pain in the neck from a whiplash injury. Without cannabis it is difficult to get motivated to roll out of bed . I can move around well but there is a constant aching pain that feels like it's into my spine and a throbbing neck pain that sometimes causes migraines.
The medical mass has been awesome in butter as well as dry herb and RSO. The most effective way I've been able to relieve pain so far . To make my RSO I use 200 proof organic grain ethanol (KleenXtract) . Smoking and ingesting the oil in pill capsules. I use about .1 to .15 in a gel capsule 1-3 times daily as needed . Usually it's one in the morning and one before bed. But with that strain I don't feel mentally clouded at all when used regularly but the first few times I took the oil it was very strong . With regular use they are perfect for me
It's sad how much they believe they do no harm and yet prescribe liver toxic pharma drugs all day. With my gram they wouldn't listen to me when she was in good health still but had pain along with copd. So the doctor put her on vikodin like 7.5mg 5 times a day. She stopped eating lost 40 lbs a few years go by and now she's in a hospice home. They immediately on her first day began anti anxiety meds mixed with her vikodin and added oxycontin... so pheizer makes out like a bandit. So now that there isn't much time left my family is beginning to try and introduce her to cannabis. It's sort of a last ditch thing but they are pussy footing around it still. All I hope is they get serious enough so I can offer her some relief in her dying days .

I hate to say it but I experienced similar circumstance...before I knew it I was taking anti inflammatory, Percocet, oxycotin, anti depressants, muscle relaxants and a mountain of other shit I can't even remember. And the sleeping meds...what a bloody nightmare those were.

Edit - And I have been off of almost everything listed above for 3 years and progressively getting better, something that doctors surgeons and specialists said wouldn't happen. Now its just weed for pain and Tylenol for migranes.
I hate to say it but I experienced similar circumstance...before I knew it I was taking anti inflammatory, Percocet, oxycotin, anti depressants, muscle relaxants and a mountain of other shit I can't even remember. And the sleeping meds...what a bloody nightmare those were.
And yet cannabis can replace all of it . When I was 17 I got in trouble for the first time with the law because of this wonderful plant and my dad was livid. He told me (very ignorantly)that people who use cannabis are stupid..
Yesterday he tried my vaporizer and half of a cbd cookie. So I was proud of how much progress he's made over the year's. I'm happy to see so many other people in my life not only accepting but supporting me now and I've had a large chunk of my family begin to use cannabis and consider dropping their pharma drugs. I feel like my car accident happened so that I would be called to grow and then called again to help as many people as I can.
The only high cbd strain I used so far was the Barney's Farm auto blue mammoth which is reported to be 5-6% cbd and 8-9% thc, and to date it has been the best pain control out of the 6 strains I have tried tincture with. My issue is the indoor setup I have to grow in is small 54"long X20" deep X 34"high, and my outdoor season is short(Oct 15th at the latest to finish). So that limits which strains I can grow, and so far I have yet to find much that meets my requirements that's rich in cbd. Medgom is one I am keen on trying, and without a doubt there will be many other auto's on the market to try soon enough.

I am growing a Barney's Farm Grape Muerto. It is an indica reported to be high in CBD. I have grown it before and loved it. It is very compact, only gets about 18" tall. Not a huge yielder (I may get 50-60 gr) but that should be enough to make a decent amount of meds.
And yet cannabis can replace all of it . When I was 17 I got in trouble for the first time with the law because of this wonderful plant and my dad was livid. He told me (very ignorantly)that people who use cannabis are stupid..
Yesterday he tried my vaporizer and half of a cbd cookie. So I was proud of how much progress he's made over the year's. I'm happy to see so many other people in my life not only accepting but supporting me now and I've had a large chunk of my family begin to use cannabis and consider dropping their pharma drugs. I feel like my car accident happened so that I would be called to grow and then called again to help as many people as I can.

The progression of many is truly great. I know many, many people are seeing the benefits of canna, and the harm that pharmas are causing. If only there was a way we could keep the plants in the hands of those who actually need it, and not the greedy commercial growers and their $400 an ounce herb.

Oh yeah @A4 - I have access to a medically grown high cdb strain I am going to try out in tincture soon. The strain "Avidekel" is rated at 16-19%cbd and .8%thc.
At $12.50 a gram I cant see myself making very much of this(jeez it sure is good that Cannadian medical card users are all rich huh??!! What a joke)......but it will make me decide to definitely find a high cbd/low thc strain to grow if the med effect is what I want.
I am growing a Barney's Farm Grape Muerto. It is an indica reported to be high in CBD. I have grown it before and loved it. It is very compact, only gets about 18" tall. Not a huge yielder (I may get 50-60 gr) but that should be enough to make a decent amount of meds.

I got super lucky with barney's auto blue mammoth I did last summer that was a gifted seed from a buddy of mine. I didn't even know it was high cbd until I got the seed and did some research on the strain. Though it was only in 6-8 hours of direct sun I managed to pull almost a Qp off her(100g's). She did take a lot longer than advertised, going over 100 days. I would be interested in trying more of Barneys high cbd auto strains...thanks for the tip.
Yeah, I was glad Bri chimed in because I thought it was just from me smoking too much sativa. I have never really been able to tell the difference at all and you would think you could but it seems like with tinctures they all have the same effect. That was one reason I tagged Eek and Root, they do a lot of tinctures as well and may have some input. To me though, I can never tell the difference between a haze and an indica. Like I originally said though, I don't dose very high either and that could make a difference. Maybe at higher doses you can start differentiating the two from each other.
where is the recipie for this tincture plz ?