Ahh man, so sorry for the late reply. Thankfully brother Stick was on top of it. I comment on these threads trying to help and forget to check back in. I received a like from Darth moments ago from early in the thread otherwise I would have been clueless. Sorry again about that.
Yeah, just to reiterate what Stick said, the stuff can be strong if you aren't used to it and the effects somewhat different. For me, I have always explained it to my friends as tincture is more like a traditional medicine to me. You can still get very messed up from it but too much makes me feel terrible as opposed to too much smoking. It can really upset my stomach and just put me into an overall crappy feeling. Yes, I feel stoned but it isn't a happy stoned in any way. I just feel like, man I took too much. If you have ever been in pain and took too many pain pills, to me it is exactly the same. I get messed up but it isn't happy, it is just like I want this to end and there is no end in sight.
Yeah, so I don't say that to discourage anyone from experimenting with it because it is an exceptional medicine when used properly but I just want to put that warning out there that for me, tincture is not recreational. It is truly a medicine that can be easily overdone. Especially if you aren't experienced with dosing.