New Grower Even though....

yeah..... that documentary will spin your head on what you think about plants and their semi-inanimate nature... lol

and when you're done with that... if you havent checked out Dr. Emoto's work on the memory of water... go for another head spin... you'll see why water is soooooooooo important way beyond what we commonly know and beleive!
yeah have already seen that... gives ya something to think about considering our bodys are 60 percent water!!!CRAZY
Gotta have love or else the spirits of the world will reflect your hate. Happy valentines day all! May the world one day know the peace of true widespread love!
I have to restrain myself from visiting my "ladies" particularly considering the difference in temperature between the growroom and the shed ( on average 18c at the moment) plus if I don't visit for a day or two it amazes me the rate of their growth.
Oh, and I find tickling them around the ovaries stimulates them, can't think why though.