New Grower Eng. Grower steps back on this grow.


The GG I just took down had a sampling party jastnight. We are absultely blown away :baked: much better after letting this one go another 2 weeks! I think it is 3-4 times stronger then the first one!

Lesson [HASHTAG]#73[/HASHTAG] Let your plants go longer ITS WORTH IT :woody:

The GG I just took down had a sampling party jastnight. We are absultely blown away :baked: much better after letting this one go another 2 weeks! I think it is 3-4 times stronger then the first one!

Lesson [HASHTAG]#73[/HASHTAG] Let your plants go longer ITS WORTH IT :woody:

Oops! Should have posted this in my other thread.
These 2 are actually in soil. Just added some coco to support their long legs.

Anyone else using composted chicken manure for their soil mix? Had some leftover from last seasons garden. Thought I would see what it would do.
@archie gemmill does this help?
The photo in my last post above is my last Dr. Krippling's KrippleBerry in my run of 4 plants plus my little pot experiment. It also shows my newest soil grow plants that are small which have coco as a topping like mulch to support them.

The KrippleBerry has another 10 days maybe untill she matures more.
Hey Warriors!!

Was going to post some new photos but now I see how bad they are :haha:

Maybe tomorrow:gary: I am :chimp: And @Samwell

I have no idea who is who after planting both beans in one cup :crying: BUT they look ok. One suffered loss of first 2 real leaves.

4-11-18 006.JPG
4-11-18 004.JPG
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Hey all!

I have decided to end using this thread and just keep my perpetual grow going on my Eng. Growers Next Endulgence in New Growers Forum.