Emergency please diagnose!!!

Dec 27, 2016
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Im having trouble with ALL my plants developing rough almost sand paper feeling leaves and what looks like rust spots. Im freaking out because my sour d auto just started to bud and she is now showing this all over her leaves aswell. Im feeding them all RO water with less than half a dose of suggested FF Nutrients. Phed to 6.5. Is it my ph or nutes? They are in a 4x4 tent with 2 amare solarpro 300s. The humidity has never gone below 50 and stays a constant 60% and the temp is usually at 78°or 79° F. Please help me diagnose this im so scared my first plants will die or not give me much of a harvest.


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Im having trouble with ALL my plants developing rough almost sand paper feeling leaves and what looks like rust spots. Im freaking out because my sour d auto just started to bud and she is now showing this all over her leaves aswell. Im feeding them all RO water with less than half a dose of suggested FF Nutrients. Phed to 6.5. Is it my ph or nutes? They are in a 4x4 tent with 2 amare solarpro 300s. The humidity has never gone below 50 and stays a constant 60% and the temp is usually at 78°or 79° F. Please help me diagnose this im so scared my first plants will die or not give me much of a harvest.
Using RO you need to supplement with calmag. That should solve it. Feed water feed water. On feed days add about 100 ppm calmag to your RO before you add any nutrients. Then go about your normal routine. On water days kick it up to 200ppm to help supplement. Should Solve your issue though