Edges of leaves burning/dying

540ppm 5.9ph in the rez. I put a pie plate and riser under 2 different pots and ran 1qt of feed through them. Runoff is 565ppm 6.2ph. So maybe a little hot but enough to cause that much leaf damage over all the plants? Maybe drop the rez pH to like 5.6?
These are the flower nutes
Little help @Mañ'O'Green :worship: I think all relevant info is here or at least in the journal. This isn't the 1st time this has happened to me, but pretty sure it's the earliest it's showed this much
Yeah that is a K (potassium) problem but it is pretty mild and can be triggered by one out of balance fertigation? Too much N or too much Mg can cause that but so can a deficiency.

Yeah that is a K (potassium) problem but it is pretty mild and can be triggered by one out of balance fertigation? Too much N or too much Mg can cause that but so can a deficiency.

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Think it would still be getting worse from an issue weeks ago? I was also thinking maybe I'm switching to flower too late giving a K def, but I've definitely switched later, with different nutes though... Or maybe the ratio for these fertilizers might be a little off :shrug: LIFTA?
Think it would still be getting worse from an issue weeks ago? I was also thinking maybe I'm switching to flower too late giving a K def, but I've definitely switched later, with different nutes though... Or maybe the ratio for these fertilizers might be a little off :shrug: LIFTA?
Yeah the damage we see on a leaf can be slow to show. I would not do anything out of the ordinary as far as inputs and your schedule. the plants look overall ok. LITFA but do keep an eye on it.