EC question... So wen do i first feed nutes?!?

Jan 27, 2022
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Hello and thanks for reading!

Have finally started to use my first ever EC meter
Growing in soil
Only 4 weeks old (plants not soil)
Went into gold label special mix about a week ago so dont need feeding for at least another week or 2

Have been testing my runoff EC and obviously at mo theyre all well over what they should b

My question is...

Do I simply wait for the runoff EC to b below what it should b for that stage of growth BEFORE I add any nutes?!?

Used to things being a bit more complicated with growing n this seems too simple to be true (for once!?!)

Am adding only dutch pro take root n multi total at mo which has no effect on EC
Their schedule is saying to start adding nutes which usually I wud do once theyve all been in soil for 3 weeks

But im guessing after what ive now learnt about EC levels i should only start feeding once EC levels in runoffs drops below recommended level as this shows soil is finally running low on food n needs topping up

Am giving an EC of 0.61ish at mo but getting between 3.25 n 5.60 out
IMO, runoff EC is not a useful metric for soil grows. That is hydroponic/soilless/coco territory.

If you’re waiting for your soil runoff to be below a certain threshold before you start feeding, I suspect you’ll be waiting a very long time as soil runoff EC is always high. Soil shouldn’t really be watered to runoff anyway.

The most use you will get out of the EC meter with soil is to ensure your liquid fertilizers are diluted properly. Personally, I’d just wait until the plants are looking like they’re a tad hungry, then start feeding at 1.0-1.2ec (excluding starting water) and adjust as necessary. This could be 2 weeks in light mixes or 4+ in hotter mixes. If your soil manufacturer has recommendations to follow regarding when it’s fertilizer will be depleted, that would be a good guide to follow.

So really I wouldn’t bother with the runoff. Just make sure what you pour in is at the appropriate pH and ppm/EC.

Good luck!
I wouldn't be worried about what your run off EC is reading it won't be a true measurement of what's going on in the soil. You need to do a slurry test.

Your growing in soil so that soil will have certain amount of charge in it. You don't need to feed your nutes until that said charge has started to deplet as you have described.... can you give us details of what soil are you in?

A good tip for when to feed is keeping an eye on your leaves and when you notice a change to a slight lighter colour start feeding your nutes.

Start at a low EC of lets say 1.0 and then increase if you feel the plants might need it.
You will probably find you don't need to go over 1.4.

You will have to build your own EC system as each nutrient company have different ratios and different bottles which in turn adds to the final EC reading. Also are using tap water or RO, both have an effect.

I could give you my EC for the different stages in my grow but It won't mean a thing as I've based those numbers around my nutes (Remo) and water. I grow coco run to waste.

Your totally on the right track but give up on those run off test it's just going to confuse you.
IMO, runoff EC is not a useful metric for soil grows. That is hydroponic/soilless/coco territory.

If you’re waiting for your soil runoff to be below a certain threshold before you start feeding, I suspect you’ll be waiting a very long time as soil runoff EC is always high. Soil shouldn’t really be watered to runoff anyway.

The most use you will get out of the EC meter with soil is to ensure your liquid fertilizers are diluted properly. Personally, I’d just wait until the plants are looking like they’re a tad hungry, then start feeding at 1.0-1.2ec (excluding starting water) and adjust as necessary. This could be 2 weeks in light mixes or 4+ in hotter mixes. If your soil manufacturer has recommendations to follow regarding when it’s fertilizer will be depleted, that would be a good guide to follow.

So really I wouldn’t bother with the runoff. Just make sure what you pour in is at the appropriate pH and ppm/EC.

Good luck!

Hi @tronN00dles !

Thanks for the in depth reply
very helpful!

soil im in says it has feed for up to 3 weeks so will wait till after that n watch the plants as u described

seems thats the answer to most questions!
I wouldn't be worried about what your run off EC is reading it won't be a true measurement of what's going on in the soil. You need to do a slurry test.

Your growing in soil so that soil will have certain amount of charge in it. You don't need to feed your nutes until that said charge has started to deplet as you have described.... can you give us details of what soil are you in?

A good tip for when to feed is keeping an eye on your leaves and when you notice a change to a slight lighter colour start feeding your nutes.

Start at a low EC of lets say 1.0 and then increase if you feel the plants might need it.
You will probably find you don't need to go over 1.4.

You will have to build your own EC system as each nutrient company have different ratios and different bottles which in turn adds to the final EC reading. Also are using tap water or RO, both have an effect.

I could give you my EC for the different stages in my grow but It won't mean a thing as I've based those numbers around my nutes (Remo) and water. I grow coco run to waste.

Your totally on the right track but give up on those run off test it's just going to confuse you.

Hi @Slater !

the soil im in is gold label special mix which is good for up to the first 3 weeks
using tap water which has an ec of round 0.6

thanks for the leaf tip
will be using that
