Ec, ppm. Advice please.

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Thanks Arty. I'm pretty much doing exactly that I using the 2 part a and b mega crop 3hivh is going very well. I was just thinking about pushing it up slightly, and no one seems to have grown blue cheese on here so was wondering when to flower at what height and such things. I might just up the feed 10 percent and see what happens ive already added about 4grams onto each feed of a and b and still looking good. I just feel they can handle a lot more feed.
Ahh OK and What seed bank Dianfem - RQS - Pacicific Seed Bank?
Cannabis a rough rule of thumb takes on average 3 weeks to reach sexual maturity but not always some especially sativas can take longer up to 5 weeks.
Blue Cheese will be Indica or mostly indica depending which seed bank did your cross Cheese x Bluberry.
This mean you can flip after 3 week and it should go into flower.
How big you want your plant is up to you but remember there will be stretch at sex and the plant will continue to grow gaining height, but at a slower rate than in veg.
I'll shoot you a PM
Ahh OK and What seed bank Dianfem - RQS - Pacicific Seed Bank?
Cannabis a rough rule of thumb takes on average 3 weeks to reach sexual maturity but not always some especially sativas can take longer up to 5 weeks.
Blue Cheese will be Indica or mostly indica depending which seed bank did your cross Cheese x Bluberry.
This mean you can flip after 3 week and it should go into flower.
How big you want your plant is up to you but remember there will be stretch at sex and the plant will continue to grow gaining height, but at a slower rate than in veg.
I'll shoot you a PM
Cuttings from a friend its a 20 year old strain.
Lucky to have that knocking around , blue cheese original is hard to come by now days good luck with your grow and i think arty covered it :thumbsup:
There are some original cheese knocking about haha I may be able to get hold of them. Some old guy I know grew some with out of date tomato feed and it was fucking banging.
Hi I'm still learning a lot and know basically very little. I'm wondering if someone can help me out, I've looked online but it's giving me more things I don't understand, I've tested my water ec which is 390 ish which is the top pic, the second is the ec of my rez and third ppm of my rez using autopots and megacrop with photoperiod blue cheese, everything is going smoothly so far I'm just trying to learn more about ec etc, I've just been using the greenleaf calculator with no issues. But yiu may aswell Learn all you can eh. Cheers
When the display mode of that is set to EC mentally put the decimal point in where shown and use the chart.

ScreenHunter_260 Jun. 11 20.24.jpg

So 0.390 EC = ~195 PPM Hanna. In the USA we use Hanna and the rest of the world uses EC.

Your staring water of 195 PPM is starting to get on the high side so adding calcium will not be needed with MC 2 part most of the time. I had disappointing results with MC in Photoperiod plants and I went on a mission to find out why. I have acquired $2K worth of ion meters to test what the actual content of the nutrients is. Bare in mind this is from one purchase of MC and batches can be different.

Full case.jpg

Mega Crop can be out of balance in calcium, Mg and S. I have NOT worked out a Spreadsheet for Photoperiod plants yet. Here is what I have for autos. You can play around with it to see how the nutrient's balance changes with different combinations. You can actually input the higher grams in it just the numbers will all go red. This work is also not quite complete as I just purchased a Phosphorous meter from Hanna and Have not run the tests yet

I would run Photoperiod plants at about 1600 PPM not counting your starting water.

I want to work on the spreadsheet for Photos but just not have had the time.
Oh yeah I almost forgot, I flip photoperiod plants at 2 weeks or 16 inches tall. They can still turn into monsters. These were al super-cropped several times :rofl:

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Beautiful. What kind of super cropping did you do, I've been trying to replicate Kyle kushman techniques, I've cleaned all the bud sites and larf off up to the tip on all the plants so in stretch and flower they will just be bud tops, I'm debating the chiropractic part yet as I don't wanna fuck them totally on my first go lol. So I might just crawl before I can walk, and the megcrops doing well so far so fingers crossed. So my rez including water and feed was 1700 ish so with my water it'll be about 2100ppm?? Is that right lol
I knew you would get lots of good advice bro plus if i was you stick with ec as its universal on all meters i use ec myself .also manogreen knows all there is about feed you wont go wrong with him in your corner
I knew you would get lots of good advice bro plus if i was you stick with ec as its universal on all meters i use ec myself .also manogreen knows all there is about feed you wont go wrong with him in your corner
Yeah man nice one. It's going well so far touch wood lol. I've got 5 amnesia haze Dutch passion but in doing them in soil and hand watering in a tent soon. Any tips on hand watering soil and perlite lol
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