First thing first welcome to the forum.

Nice to meet you.
This is a link to the mega crop calculator. -
Just click the MegaCrop you using, I imagine it is the one part feed?
Remember Not all PPM's are equal
USA 500 scale
Europe 640 scale
Australia 700 scale
When Quoting PPM to anyone always make sure you tell them what scale you meter is reading.
Also different nute manufacturers, will they you how many ppm, the scale they will quote is the scale that is used in their part of the world.
EC is measured in Siemens My trucheon meter reads in Milli/Siemens
Your meter reads in Micro/Siemens
So my meter will show an EC of 1.0 micro/Siemens and your meter will show it as 1000 Micro/Siemens
@Waira and I have posted some good info on the topic.
If you scroll down to the info I supplied to Waira (second entry/post), you will see which companies use what PPM scale and also which PPM scale different meters use.
Link to
EC ppm CF TDS conversion chart here - https://www.autoflower.org/threads/ec-ppm-cf-tds-conversion-chart.54834/#post-1686006
The Megacrop feed calculator is great and it is also interactive so you can chose the PPM scale you use or EC, whether you weigh in gram or use a scoop etc.
Megacrop feed calculator -
Use the calculator yo work out how much MegaCrop to use
Then follow these steps
Add complete amount of water to your reservoir/tank, and start stirring by hand or using a pump.
Slowly sprinkle in the MEGA CROP powder while continuing to stir and circulate the water well. This helps the nutrients dissolve quickly and evenly. If small white pieces appear, they should dissolve over the next 12 hour period.
Then follow the advice below to dial in your grow
MegaCrop - How to Dial In Feeding For Optimal Results
The Feeding Calculator is used as a general starting point for finding the right amount of nutrients to use. Depending on your setup, you may benefit from using more, or less than the suggestion. After running MEGA CROP for a few weeks you can begin to “dial-in” your feeding program, ie: modify it to achieve maximum harvest/results and have the healthiest plants!
Step 1 – Dialing In Nitrogen levels through MEGA CROP dosage by monitor your plants coloring:
- Pay close attention to the green coloring of your plants leaves. Nitrogen levels in MEGA CROP are strongly related to how green your plants leaves will appear
- If your plant leaves are light green or yellow, then increase your dosage of MEGA CROP to boost Nitrogen levels and increase green color
- If your plant leaves are too dark green and/or have burned tips, then scale back your MEGA CROP dosage to reduce the nitrogen.
- Your goal is to have the plants coloring to be a strong healthy green without burning, and you control this by increasing or decreasing the MEGA CROP dosage. If you are a new grower and not sure what color your plants should be at, browse the internet for pictures of healthy plants of your same type. You should make dosage changes for the first time in small amounts, for example changes of 10-20% increase or decrease only, and then waiting 2-3 weeks to monitor plant response after each change. Since the plant has to take time to uptake nutrients and process them, it may take 2-3 weeks to notice the results of the changes you made.
Step 2 – Dialing in your PK boost levels during bloom for maximum yields and resins:
- Once your have achieved proper base nutrient dosage through regulating Nitrogen, then during flowering/blooming phase you can optionally add in PK booster to increase harvest.
- PK Boosters like Bud Explosion have high amounts of P and K, and 0 (N)itrogen, so you can add them in during flowering without risking changing your plants Nitrogen levels
- This may take some time, but you can continually increase PK boosters over several harvests to monitor for increase weight and quality. As long as you do not notice plant damage from increasing the dosage, you can experiment by increasing the dosage, and monitoring the final end results/yields.
- Eventually you will find the dose that maximizes your results/yields, where adding more will not give additional benefit (saturation point).
The above is available on the MegaCrop site.
If you ever have any queries about a nutrient you are using and need help, always check the nutrient companies website.
There will often be a FAQ section and Feed Charts etc.
Or contact directly, with your query, for the most part, the company will engage you and help you find a solution, you are after all buying their product and they will want to keep you as a customer.
Photoperiods - Follow the Mega Crop advice and read reviews and company blurb on the strain your growing, to see if your strain is finicky or can take heavy feeding like a champ.
There is always lots of good info @ seedfinder.eu Link here -
Photo periods are like autos in the fact some love as much nutes as you can throw at them, some are sensitive and they will let you know and then it is time to back off the nutrient strength.
It can also be pheno specific, I grow the same strain but had different plant react differently.
One pheno may be more Sativa leaning the other more Indica leaning.
Some people like more homogenized strains which are all very similar other like the swing of genetic as it gives then a different stone or flavor.
The more you grow the more you will be able to read your plants.
You me and the universe will never know everything to know about growing cannabis but we can all become more familiar with traits and growing patters of cannabis in general, which is invaluable when growing.
Always do as much research as you can and read journal that use the same equipment, nutrients and strains.
Pick one element you need to know about and search for a journal, For example your growing a Northern Lights, read as many northern Lights journal as you can until you have what you need to know. Maybe you want to know about a hanging height of a certain LED first check company website, info not given ask rep via Email, or browse internet for info. Check forums in journal that have that grow light.
Never be afraid to ask questions in journals, people like visitors and looking at their grows. As long as you don't ask stupid questions, they will 99 times out of 100 share what they know and in doing so you may also end up with a life long friend!
You've met St.Tom, we met here and we are pals, never would of happened if not for AFN, so just be nice to all and good things will come your way. That's the AFN way
I hope this helps you
Have a great grow
