New Grower eating buds

The weed needs to be heated, either through smoking, vaping or cooked with butter. Raw weed will not get you high. If you ate an ounce you may get a buzz. Even hot tea will not create the chem reaction needed to release the thc into a form usable to a pot head. That's the nonscientific gist of it.
Talkative is right

Either there was enough time and temp applied to the hash to convert the THC or you ate a lot more then you would have otherwise needed. I ought to know as I eat almost all the bud I ingest, usually cured but sometimes fresh
what result if you eat fresh harvested buds? just down them.
Cannabis needs to be decarboxylated (sp?) in order to have psychoactive effects on the body when consumed. When you smoke cannabis, the decarb happens when the joint is lit. When people make pot brownies the decarb happens during the baking process (or the extraction process to make "weed butter"). @talkative is totally right. The reason the hot tea thing does not work is because decarb happens with heat over time. If you wanted to make psychoactive would extract cannabis into milk (it can be extracted into any fat, but is not water soluable) then mixed into a cup of tea (thanks @Root ).

Eating raw cannabis (non decarbed) does have certain health benefits, on the other hand....
It works for the medicinal purpose but you dont get the side effects ( the "high" feelings )

I eat without cooking at times to give a dull to an edgy situation similar to using chewing tobaccoo

its like anyone taking psych meds, after ahwile you dont feel anything but normal...yet you know they are working, the "high" or buzz is a side effect as a result of injestion too the amount you take in when you smoke.
Keep this in mind... there is only one "drug" that its the actual drug itself you get the feelings from...thats alcohol.. everything else you injest, its the chemicals your body releases or things your body stops doing to counter what you put in that give the effect... kinda how people who have done blotters have reported having acid flashbacks years later...well that means their brain released a dab of that chemical it releases when they injest "acid"