Easy Ryder Not Doin' So Hot


Ron Burgundy

Pretty new to this afn so bare with me a little. I have one 19 day old lowryder easyryder in FFOF using tap water that a I let sit out before watering. I water every three days and just enough to keep the soil damp so as not to over water.

I have it 2-3 inches under a hyrdrofarm fluorowing 125 watt cfl and have a 2 speed fan blowing on her. I dont know whats wrong whether its rootbound or what not too sure cause its in a decent sized pot so was hoping i could get some help. im def trying to maximize my yield as much as possible with what i got + adding some nutes in a week or two...any advice as to what may be the deficiency may be and some help on how to fix it would be greatly appreciated. i used like an 1/8 tsp of superthrive in my last feeding not sure if that had anything to do with it or not?


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Welcome to AFN! I've seen the identical rusty spots on my plants when my pH is out of whack and it's locking out all the nutes. Have you been testing your water and runoff?

Also, I recommend letting the soil dry out rather than keeping it constantly damp. Cannabis seems to do better when it gets to go through wet and dry cycles.
Pretty new to this afn so bare with me a little. I have one 19 day old lowryder easyryder in FFOF using tap water that a I let sit out before watering. I water every three days and just enough to keep the soil damp so as not to over water.

I have it 2-3 inches under a hyrdrofarm fluorowing 125 watt cfl and have a 2 speed fan blowing on her. I dont know whats wrong whether its rootbound or what not too sure cause its in a decent sized pot so was hoping i could get some help. im def trying to maximize my yield as much as possible with what i got + adding some nutes in a week or two...any advice as to what may be the deficiency may be and some help on how to fix it would be greatly appreciated. i used like an 1/8 tsp of superthrive in my last feeding not sure if that had anything to do with it or not?

Andy is right, They look good other than over watering. Let them dry a bit before you water, Common msitake in this hobby for rookies is to over water them! you can actually let them go pretty much bone dry without any consequences. :)

Good luck!
thanks for the warm welcome haha always nice...thing is i only had enough money to get the bare necessities so didnt end up gettin nutes or a ph meter or anything along those lines all i have is the superthrive, 125 watt cfl, ffof, and pots so just the basics. this weekend or nxt week sometime ill be getting nutes and a ph meter hopefully for sure. watering about every four days prob would be better just to avoid root rot everyone always says go for 30% runoff but doesnt seem to go with af...this is what the plant looked like as of just now when i took the pics


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Do you plan on tiering them? If not I would transplant to a bigger pot within the next week. ;)

As for the rust spots, most likely lockup as Andy said. Transplant , flush and let dry , then feed :)
yeah ill make sure to let them dry up a little more before watering and i do plan on transferring soon i have a big earth box im goin to switch her into which will give it plenty of room to spread its roots without a doubt im thinking. so you think that will help solve these rust spots on the leaves then?
If its lockup yes, by transplanting and flushing you give the roots a salt free environment to be able to open back up and intake nutes.. She wil love you for it. Trust me. You should see a explosion in growth too.

BTW.. "Go fuck yourself san diego!" Gotta love Ron Burgundy.
"Ron what did the bad man do to baxter?"
I could go on forever.
If its lockup yes, by transplanting and flushing you give the roots a salt free environment to be able to open back up and intake nutes.. She wil love you for it. Trust me. You should see a explosion in growth too.

Agreed, though I would suggest flushing and watering with distilled water until you have something to test pH with. At least you'll know you're giving the plants something close to the proper range. My tap water has pH over 8 so I can't ever use it without adjusting it first. If yours is off by a lot, you could make things even worse by continuing to use it.
very truee i have one of those big jugs with a filter on top that you pour the water through and it filters it for suitable drinking water so that might suffice for distilled water or osmose water?
I believe that's only good for filtering minerals, maybe even chlorine.. not sure tho.

Your ph level could still be off. Until you can get a ph meter get a bottle of the ph pool test strips, that will give you an idea of if its within range or way over. You wont get an exact number but based off the color you will know if it pushing 7.0+ or below 6.0 . Ideal ph is 6.0 - 6.5 IMO. same say you can even go to 6.8 no harm. But anything between 6.0 and 6.5 is gravy :)

Since your only dealing with one plant it wont be too expensive to buy distilled water, I would just got that route untill you get a ph meter.

Good luck!

I will be honest wiht you tho, I have never used a ph meter, I use those strips from time to time, and I been able to hone proper ph in like that. But since your new to this hobby I would suggest getting a meter :)